Just a Government hating, free market supporting, gun toting maniac!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Why can’t we go back to php and HTML? Why can’t we go back to web1? Why can’t we go back to the days when the internet was an Eldridge city waiting to be explored!? ITS BECUASE OF THE FUCKING CORPATIZATION SOUL SUCKING MODEL OF THE INTERNET WE HAVE NOW!!! They wouldn’t let us go back even if we stopped using the internet all together becuase there will still be those users that are dumb enough to saty on and swallow ads! Do you know how much time I waste on stupid sites like youtube!? HOURS! its by design to, keep you addicted, unaware and numb, and you wont have enough energy to fight back! IM FED UP WITH WEB2! I’m taking my cat silanced ar and heading to silicon valley! WHOS WITH ME!? ITS TIME FOR CHANGE!?

  • OK, here goes.

    want a free market state with little to no taxes for everyone. People build and make things because they want/need to not because a government told them. While I hate big government I do believe we need a small (and I’m talking very small) one to make sure there is order and to break up any monopolies.

    I believe every facet of the economy should be privatized as doing so will help increase competition in that market that didnt exsist before.

    While I hear a lot of people saying “but what about healthcare being through the roof!?” Keep in mind that its the drug manufacturers that’s keeping prices this high, and there is no competition in that market as its basically a duopoly. They hold all the patents for the drugs they sell and removing control over them, will allow cheaper products to be made and thus, a cheaper more affordable healthcare system will be developed!

    EBay I feel is the closest to a free market site that we have today. People just putting what they own up for sale and the consumer decideds if they want it for that price or not. If not they most likely have other more cheaper options.

    Sorry for the wall of text but I wanted to get all of it out. There’s still more I’d love to discusse if you are interested!