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Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • I believe that’s not the law though. The law outlines the conditions under which a person has an “expectation of privacy.” If you’re inside your house, you have an expectation of privacy and so should not be filmed. If you’re on the sidewalk in public, you have no expectation of privacy. If you’re in a private establishment (restaurant or store for instance), the owner or their representatives can ask you not to record and you have to comply.

    All of street photography depends on this kind of legal framework.

  • It strikes me as exactly the kind of engineering call that Elon has tended to make, time after time. With zero training in an area, he gets a solution in his head crufted up from some set of pre-existing notions or points of view and then pushes to have them implemented. He will also go on to fire anyone who disagrees with him. I spoke with an engineer who worked on the gull wing doors, which the team had objected to, and not only did he force them through, he burst in on one of the finalization meetings where they had finally reached a design consensus and insisted they change the hinge. Given similar reports on his behavior regarding other products (including especially twitter), I have no reason to disbelieve this person.

  • I agree. I think that filmmakers should have an understanding of how their work may be interpreted. American Psycho is a great example.

    My go to examples are Fight Club, in which the protagonist is seen as a hero, and American History X, which is seen by the white power community as a justification of their viewpoint. In the former case, the misinterpretation is possibly more common than the intended portrayal of mental illness. In the latter case, it’s more of a phenomenon restricted to the already converted. The film Wall Street is another one.

    I’m really on the fence about this. On the one hand, I love and respect art and how it reflects society. On the other hand, if A Modest Proposal actually resulted in people eating Irish babies, that would have been horrible.

    Where’s the dividing line between something like that and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Is it the intent of the author, or is it the consequences of the publication? If Fight Club resulted in an increase in misogyny and inceldom, does the creator bear some responsibility? I find that the fanbase spoils a movie like Fight Club for me, at least a bit. AHX, though, is so blatant in its message that I find it hard to reject.

  • That’s exactly my perspective.

    I came of age with the birth of the web. I was using systems like Usenet, gopher, wais, and that sort of thing. I was very much into the whole cypherpunk, “information wants to be free” philosophy that thought that the more information people had, the more they could talk to each other, the better the world would be.

    Boy, was I wrong.

    But you can’t put the genie back into the bottle. So now, in addition to having NPR online, we have kids eating tide pods and getting recruited into fascist ideologies. And of course it’s not just kids. It’s tough to see how the anti-vax movement or QAnon could have grown without the internet (which obviously has search engines as a major driver of traffic).

    I think you’re better off teaching critical thinking, and even demonstrating the failings of ChatGPT by showing them how bad it is at answering questions. There’s plenty of resources you can find that should give you a starting point. Ironically, you can find them using a search engine.

  • I have absolutely no practical advice for you, but while you’re waiting for more helpful responses, I do have a couple of questions. It’s been well over a decade (probably pushing two) aince ive even ripped a disc or had a movie jukebox type of setup.

    First, I think I remember MST3K being identified as the movie they were doing, plus (maybe) a note that it was the MST3K version. It didn’t cause confusion because it’s not like I had an actual version of Pod People or Manos. But, at least back then, there were a few different databases we could hit up for metadata. I still ended up editing a lot by hand, but here were options.

    But more importantly, are you talking about extras from the Joel and Mike seasons, or from some more recent iterations? I kind of didn’t pick it up after they got cancelled (and I didn’t like some of the cast changes), so I don’t know if any of the new stuff holds up. I did go see a live production with Joel at some point in the last few years and it was pretty good, but mostly because of nostalgia.

  • I was gifted the tests multiple times. I didn’t take the test because of my own data privacy concerns.

    The thing I am concerned about is not necessarily 23andMe selling the data, but rather being sold off and having another company come in and being allowed to do what they want with it. I’ve seen that happen before with other data collecting companies, and I’m not sure to what extent the policies put in place by the collection company applies to the new company that buys them and their IP.

    I imagine in this case that it would result in a massive class action suit, but for me the risks of having the data made available to, for example, insurance companies who could then deny coverage was just too high of a risk when the main payoff for me would be to find out my family comes from Ireland but that I’m also 5% Jewish.

  • I know that technology continues to improve, especially in driver assist modes. However, previous iterations also tried to make it easier by doing things like have traditional steering at one speed and four wheel steering at a much lower speed. None of those experiments were successful as commercial products.

    I do agree that the more the car is using it for you, the more realistic it is. It’s just that my car can already park itself with two wheel steering, and as much as I like automated everything and am cost-neutral on most things, I don’t see the four wheel steering bringing enough to the table to be worth the additional manufacturing and maintenance complexity.

    I’m more than happy to be proven wrong, and maybe they did it right this time. But at this point I can really only see it in specialized applications - forklifts, aircraft maintenance vehicles, that kinds of thing.

  • Every middle manager I know is openly opposed to forced RTO. It’s a huge pain in the ass from a policy enforcement perspective because, in their enthusiasm to make sure people are taking it seriously, they’ve decreased managers’ discretion for attendance. Now employees have to take a sick day if they can’t come in, even if they’re perfectly capable of working from home (eg a software dev with a broken ankle), or else have to jump through multiple hoops with HR.

    I actually kind of like my office. It helps that I have an actual office to myself of course, but I do like the ability to put together a quick hallway chat or grab a room with a whiteboard and even just appreciate the higher bandwidth of communication I can get when physically present. But I also want to allow people to work from home if they’re having a TV delivered or if their kid is sick.

    The standard, now rote, response from everyone up to the director level is pretty much “I know, it sucks. But it’s policy, and if you don’t do it there’s going to be consequences that I will not be able to handle for you.” They may put a happy spin on things for newsletters, but from where I’m from it’s seen as a legacy from an older culture running at the level of VPs and above who don’t have a direct hand in operations.