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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • It probably wouldn’t hold up in court, but it can be used as a bludgeon to dissuade people from filing in the first place. Roku is totally allowed to lie and say “You can’t sue, you agreed to mandatory arbitration. // You can’t join the class action, you agreed not to. If you do either of these things, we’ll sue you.”

    This could easily dissuade quite a few people from litigating, limiting how much the company needs to pay out.

  • In the example before that, she reported bad behavior to the event organizer, who did basically nothing.

    Some people don’t want to have to risk their careers in order to enact change. When women speak up, they have a legitimate risk of being labeled as difficult or profiteering The author’s hope is that men don’t face the same level of criticism or skepticism when calling out other men, and that more voices will make women safer and this whole endeavor more productive.

    The suffragettes were repeatedly arrested, they were branded terrorists. Later, their hunger strikes while in prison were broken with force feeding via stomach pump.

    Suffragettes also bombed buildings and committed arson and vandalism, even if their means were effective, maybe we shouldn’t advocate for their strategies.