I only listen to music with my phone or on my desktop. On my phone I have a pirated Spotify premium app, and on desktop I just stream from YouTube with adblock. Don’t have any recommendations if you’re looking to download though.
I only listen to music with my phone or on my desktop. On my phone I have a pirated Spotify premium app, and on desktop I just stream from YouTube with adblock. Don’t have any recommendations if you’re looking to download though.
Almost the same for me. Used Firefox since it launched, then when I saw chrome had that thing where you could pull tabs into windows it blew my mind and made the swap. Didn’t come back to Firefox until COVID though when I took the time to degoogle my life
This is what all mods should do. Their thanks for running a community unpaid for years on end is a middle finger for not letting reddit profit off of them. Users build, foster, and maintain subreddits and reddit swoops in and declares that it’s all thanks to them. Mods who get demodded should wear that fact with pride when contrasted against the ones who capitulated with similar threats.
My email client supports masked emails so every account I sign up for has its own email address. That’s all synced to my password manager which generates passwords for said account. Vpn always on. I think that’s it?
I don’t think it’s much to ask for an application to do the basic things it promises to do. Also Lemmy has been in development for four years so not really “new.”
Fucking Tom
I just hope it works, all of the apps I’ve used on Android have been so fucking buggy lol. Idk if it’s Lemmy’s backend or just poorly developed apps but man lemmy is forcing me to work hard to like it haha.
I can’t do it, I don’t want to sound like I’m from the South.