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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Schadrach@lemmy.sdf.orgtoTechnology@beehaw.orgMinimum !
    1 month ago

    H1B skilled worker visas. You have to prove that you tried to hire locally and couldn’t find anyone qualified. The whole point is that the qualifications are impossible, so you are either under qualified or lying. Since no qualified candidate exists, you can bring someone over from overseas and hold the risk of being deported if you fire them over their heads - and you suddenly get less thorough about checking qualifications for your immigrant candidates.

  • the Citizens United case - which gave corporations First Amendment rights

    SCOTUS has generally defended the idea that corporations have first amendment rights since Grosjean v. American Press Co. in 1936 - a case where a Senator pushed for a tax designed to target papers critical of him and tax them into submission.

    To quote Wikipedia on the case:

    The case is often cited because it defined corporations as “persons” for purposes of analysis under the Equal Protection clause.

    The Citizens United case was that a corporate entity or nonprofit distributing political messaging about a candidate is not considered a campaign contribution (even when it costs them to do so) so long as the entity in question is not attached to or coordinating with the campaign.

  • Remember all the women getting angry about the Pence Rule (never be alone with a woman who isn’t your wife) and some men saying they follow it because it’s a good idea because while most interactions aren’t going to result in false accusations any of them potentially could and the stakes are too high to leave it to chance? Remember all the claims that that is wildly misogynistic?

    This bear thing is essentially the same.thing with the genders flipped.

  • This is like some boomer saying “All feminists are easily offended lesbians that just like to shout out people”

    Then smugly being like “haha you proved my point” when a femininst rightly takes issue with that statement.

    Worse than that even, as feminists are less than half the population and an ideology you choose to belong to, rather than a demographic you are born into.

  • Schadrach@lemmy.sdf.orgtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    2 months ago

    Wow this sounds really reasonable, wtf kinda drugs is Peterson on if he thinks it restricts free speech…

    If I recall, Peterson’s entire idea on that was that it would result in misgendering being considered hate speech, though it’s been a while so I might be misremembering.

  • so I don’t understand what your point here is

    It’s that all the articles over the last year screaming about the dangers of AI because it can be used for something an interested high school student could use an image editor to do 30 years ago but more easily and arguably at somewhat better quality (depending on the person using photoshop) are being ridiculous because they’re blaming the technology instead of the weirdo using it to doctor an image of that girl at their school and pass it around. And yes, anyone who makes and distributes on of these images of someone should be nailed for revenge porn, harassment and whatever else might apply. I say “and distributes” only because if they never distribute it no one would ever know it exists so there would be no opportunity to bust them.

    The best use (ie only good use) for one of these is to feed it an image of something that is definitely not the right kind of image for it and seeing what horrors it invents trying to fill in the blanks. Hand it your buddy with a beer belly and a mountain man beard or a dog or garden gnome something.

  • Also I have a friend who already has huge tits, and I’ve seen them IRL so I’m curious what it would do

    Being serious for a moment, it depends on the source image. If it can tell where the contours of the tits are in the source image, they’ll be closer to the right size and shape - otherwise it’s going to find something it thinks are the contours and map out tits that match those, then generic torso that matches the shape of where it thinks the torso is and skintone of the face. It’s not magic, it’s just automating what a horndog with photoshop, a photo of you and a big enough porn collection to find someone with a similar body type could do back in the 90s.

  • You underestimate what “downhill” can do to that equation. I recommend looking at some roads in WV like route 60 to the east of Gauley Bridge, Mount Alpha Road in Kanawha City, or Goff Mountain road that connects Institute to Cross Lanes, on the end near Institute. That last one has a hill steep enough that just sitting in neutral will get you up to 60MPH before you reach the bottom without heavy breaking.

    I used to claim my state didn’t have any bad drivers, because there are too many places where if you fuck up you’re going to fall a.couple of stories and get impaled on a tree.

  • I actually had someone whose family member died of Covid tell me that his brother-in-law didn’t really die of Covid, he died of something else, because it’s all overblown and the hospitals are doing a similar scam to this myth (i.e. making it out as a bigger deal than it needs to be.)

    That sort of thing goes around here a lot too, usually framed in terms of “He didn’t die of COVID, but if you die from any cause whatsoever while you also have COVID they’ll count it as dying of COVID to make the COVID numbers bigger.” It usually falls apart when you ask why they want the COVID numbers to be bigger than they really are.

  • That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m totally fine with about half of the directions given, and the rest are baking in right wing talking points.

    It must be confusing to be told to be unbiased, but also to adopt specific biases like that. Also, I find it amusing to tell it not to repeat any part of the prompt under any circumstances but also to tell it specifically what to say under certain circumstances, which would require repeating that part of the prompt.