Blasphemous is so good too
Blasphemous is so good too
Don’t get me wrong, even thought I don’t pirate as much as I once did in my younger days I’m super appreciative of the work they do, free mostly if I understand it correctly. But some of the things they say on this nfos (mostly homophobic slurs and name calling) are super out of place, but at the end to each their own lol
So… no disrespect but, are all scenes/crackers really creepy and angry people then?
Yup, I saw this yesterday, now apparently for what I can see they are trying to minimize bandwidth downloads and mass sharing of files by the account having to give one by one authorization to everyone that wants to access a file
Or VLC with it’s sub finder, never has it not work for me really, good luck
Nice, didn’t know about it and have added it to listen to on commute
Had a lot of fun with Elona (rougelike) a short time ago, didn’t know a game like that existed
Because … You can say to tech illiterate investors: "hey look, look at all the activity that goes on in my site"with not much scrutiny and inflate those rookie numbers up.
There is no much incentive, in the capitalists sense, to deter spam or trolls, fear mongering and explosive comments, clickbait journalism, etc etc etc … for owners of any online outlet, it’s all in the service of ever growing traffic.
Laughed so much at this, thanks
Fellow joey user, love this feature and need it too
Mark as read while scrolling > hide read on re-open > (in case you need to re watch something) temporarly unhide read posts
True concern from a person that just got rid of chrome (finally) and switched to brave, how is it garbage? o_o
Ohoo! Has so much fun when I was a kid with many of this! Thanks for the nostalgia