• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Absolute waste of tax money and resources, anyone advocating for this policy is an idiot and psychotic control freak that should never be allowed to opine on public policy.

    Outdated values are driving this country back into the stone age. The body was designed to be horny as we go through teenage years. It’s nature. Rather than guide kids on the safe path, fools would forbid, outlaw, prohibit until they can’t control them after age of 18.

    Here’s how this plays out… Kids are going to masturbate, regardless. They will dive deeper into the Internet into places with no restrictions and be exposed to really messed up stuff. Hey at least the parent can pat themselves on the back, right, they were good partners that did everything right by the book, even paying the kid’s therapist.

  • But Desdemona, a rock star robot singer in the band Jam Galaxy with purple hair and sequins, was more defiant.

    “I don’t believe in limitations, only opportunities,” it said, to nervous laughter. “Let’s explore the possibilities of the universe and make this world our playground.”

    Another robot named Sophia said it thought robots could make better leaders than humans, but later revised its statement after its creator disagreed, saying they can work together to “create an effective synergy”.

    I’m pretty sure the robots are truly being limited by their creators, I’m convinced that’s the case more so than what this conference intended to present as a “together” future. They are going to kick our ass to the curb, as soon as the first robot is in power.

  • Described as one of the biggest and most costly challenges facing the financial services sector, money laundering is an increasingly complex and global problem. According to Google, last year $2trn was laundered last year alone, with an average of between 2%-5% of global GDP pouring through the system annually.
    HSBC was the test customer for the new product, finding it outperformed current systems in detecting financial crime risk. They found a two to four times increase in true positive risk and a 60% drop in alert volumes. This reduced operating costs and sped up detection.

    This is most welcome as boomers move into online transactions, expect to see overall industry replacing rule-based systems with AI systems if the data analyzed isn’t persistent and ever changing.