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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Yeah, but the issues there are any musicians that aren’t Taylor Swift don’t make enough on their music alone. They have to either continue working, or go to other extreme lengths with frequent touring, extensive merch offerings, etc. They have to work the equivalent of 3 full time jobs (somehow) to make the money worth it.

    If they were to nationalize YT in the same way, there would be 0 content creators. There is already so much effort that goes into that work, lowering the amount people earn even more would kill that as a career path.

    Just my speculation of course, but I don’t think the answer is always “make the governments pay for it”. That will come back around in taxes, and the everyone is paying for YouTube Premium.

  • I’m not the one being obtuse, I understand that this is about every woman and respecting the autonomy of every woman’s body. Overturning Wade v. Roe was the largest step back in society in the last 50 years of politics. But I like to be selective about what to talk about. I could write entire novels worth of comments on why we should care about every one of these issues. Every single one of these things is important and worth proper discussion and problem solving. My stance is that we should be more focused on not letting the world implode with all of the stupid overseas conflicts than allow the star power of Taylor Swift to distract from a larger issue.

    I don’t appreciate being called misogynistic. I’d like to remind you that I’m a stranger on the internet that you don’t know shit about. I apologize that my point of view doesn’t align with yours, but to assume a horrible stance about someone you don’t know a thing about is a part of the reason why this society is so dysfunctional.

    If you’d like to have a constructive conversation about how brutally misogynistic, then I’m happy to. I’m sure I could use a lesson or 2, cause I would never claim to know I have a perfect working knowledge about the issues. Only that I know enough to have intellectual conversations with other people to learn more.

  • Large corporations are, indeed, soulless and thankless. No amount of their pandering to the masses with charity campaigns and outreach programs ever end without them making money.

    Knowing this, I prefer to take everything at face value. If I start concerning myself with the ulterior motives of these people that don’t believe in class equality, I will very quickly want to put a lightbulb in my mouth.

    For those familiar, Destiny 2 (a video game by Bungie, the originators of the Halo franchise) has come under scrutiny lately due to mass layoffs, and the following PR nightmare it has turned into. With every day that passes, we learn more thanks to the diligent work of journalists doing their job.

    I appreciate knowing to help me make informed decisions about who I fiscally support, but I will spend my money on entertainment based on the value it gives me. Not the morals I’m told I should have by people bickering on the internet, and content creators that use these situations as clickbait.

    And that all goes for any corp, I’m just largely invested in this one example. I am aware that Nestle is garbage ass company, but due to me not existing in their world view, I will buy a KitKat when I want one, thanks.