Experimental musician. https://odysee.com/@thetiredhorizon:f https://thetiredhorizon.bandcamp.com/ …also the usual Soundcloud, evil-Spotify and Apple… on Mastodon…

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 个月前
Cake day: 2024年3月5日


  • Yeah there are problems with battery and EV materials and their links to all kinds of nasty things. However, lets not forget how bad other industries have been (even recently) for slavery… the cotton industry, the soft drinks indusrty, even the plastics recycling industry.

    And OK, lithium is a problem, but there are other ways to store energy that arent being used. We need to stop expecting a perfect solution to everything and just start using sand batteries, compressed air etc, things where we do already have engineers that can accomplish something.

  • I took the ads out because even though it isnt a career (music is a serious hobby, you might say) there was push back against putting your own music on the platform. “No self promotion” was a general rule iirc. A few subs kind of let it happen but they were rare.

    The dashboard was indeed shit. It had all the wrong details and choices for someone like me.

    I would have done an AMA but I’m just a bloke, LOL! And yes I agree - the users are anti-ad. Not sure how a site like that floats, financially. Can only imagine there is corp or Government money secretly going in (as we found out years after Google started up).