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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • If I dual boot windows, I tend to disconnect my Linux drive any time I do anything on the Windows side. Even installing Windows fresh using default settings, it managed to completely erase my Linux disk to put the Windows bootloader on it even though I selected a completely different disk for the Windows OS. Won’t be making that mistake again. And by mistake I mean dual booting Windows. That pile of spaghetti code gets a VM.

  • I lived with a buddy of mine who owned one of the first generation Keurig machines. We had problems with roaches cropping up here and there and we tried everything to get rid of them from diatomaceous earth to calling an exterminator but they always came back and we had no idea where they were coming from. We had assumed at some point that it was probably from an adjacent town home so we just dealt with them as they came and I didn’t think much of them after that. Fast forward a year or so and I’ve moved out of the place. I get talking with my buddy about the old roach problem and he tells me that he found out where they were nesting when his Keurig machine stopped working and he attempted to open it up and they came pouring out of the machine. My buddy grabbed some roach spray we had stocked up on and drenched the machine in it to kill as many of the damn things as he could. He ended up throwing that machine away. I’m glad I switched to French press and moka pots forever ago.

  • Telling Google assistant to add items to your shopping list and them being added to a keep note titled “shopping list” was the original functionality in Google keep. I used this feature all the time which is great for someone like me who has ADD. Then without warning, Google decided to change the functionality so that it added the items to Google Express instead. It was a small change that caused a lot of inconvenience and headaches for me. There was a time I would have really cared about this change but considering the inconsistency of Google’s products, I really can’t get invested in them anymore. I try to degoogle my life as much as possible these days.