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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I guess my point is they made an easily accessible experience that is not frustrating to use for the average user which will help dispell the belief that linux is hard to use or that gaming is only for windows. They provided a console like experience and made it hard for normies to break it. You’re free to install silverblue on the thing. Personally i’ll probably re-image with arch later but for my use so far I haven’t really have to change anything. I haven’t run into an issue that couldn’t be solved with a flatpak yet.

  • there are folks that do audio stuff on linux and from what i can tell it is a lot of work and your workflows will change a bit.

    Check out Unfa on youtube, my man does everything using linux apps.

    Trying to do live audio stuff in wine may be a struggle, from what I gather most audio production folks switch to a realtime kernel build which may chip away performance on the very top end but prevents lost samples because of competing resources. With that in mind I don’t know how windows apps would perform for live audio. BUT if you’re just processing already captured stuff then you might be fine.

    All that to say take a peek and see if ardour can support the plugins you want or has an alternative that can meet the same goals. It probably won’t be as easy but I bet you’ll find something that works.

  • inal but i think it’s going to come down to the terms of service where the data was scraped from. If the terms say the stuff you post can be shared with third parties then they might not have a leg to stand on. Where it gets sketchy is if someone posted someone else’s work, then the original author had no say in it being shared with a third party, BUT, is that the fault of the third party or the service provider that shared it?

    Also, if i were exposed to copyright material through some unauthorised person distributing it can i not summarize the information? I guess i don’t know enough about fair use to answer that.

    The wording in the article says they are being sued for stealing their data, this seems like a stretch but i guess i’ll wait for more details of the case.