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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • There were others who changed sports as well… Fosbury didn’t cause the Olympic committee to implement any bans, which is to say that others arguably attempted much larger changes…

    He simply tried something way the hell off the beaten path and it caused people to think differently about how to go about doing their thing.

    Jimi wasn’t even the only revolutionary influence in his time, you could argue chuck berry had more influence at the time, you could argue Charlie christian had more influence at sorta the same time, you could argue Zeppelin, Sabbath, the Beach boys…

    Nobody came crashing into music from deep left field like Hendrix did though, just like nobody came into the Olympics from deep left field the way fosbury did (I’d argue for korbut, but nobody followed her lead due to pretty much everything she did getting banned).

    I get what you mean and don’t disagree, but I did say I was speaking to a specific context ;)

  • Ok, well it was intended to be an opinion, so your assertion that I’m incorrect is incorrect because its my opinion, but that aside, which part?

    I reiterate that question because if your opinion is in direct opposition to mine, it is, in my opinion, the one I would most like to hear. I’m a moderate/centrist/libertarian(non-party) and I’d unironically and unsarcastically love to hear your opinion on it. Unless you’re just being a pedant, then I’ll listen and I respect your right to posit any pedantic objections, but I won’t really care much :)

  • content that incites violence or hate speech from social media.

    “They need to expeditiously remove content they are aware of if it is illegal.”

    If a social media platform does not comply with the new EU law it can be sanctioned with a hefty fine

    This essentially adds up to government proctorship of any “public forum” on the internet, including here… So if I randomly throw an “all lives matter” right here mid-comment, which while at face value is a ridiculously benign thing to say, can be and almost always is considered to be hate speech, lemmy is entirely obligated to immediately remove my comment or face heavy sanctions from the EU.

    It’s an extreme caricature of an example that I assume won’t go anywhere, but the point is that it could, and the deciding factor on that isn’t anyone here, the deciding factor is a bunch of rando EU officials… If some Karen in Wales in the right position decides she doesn’t like my comment, she could initiate a “hefty” fine against lemmy admins.

    It’s an absurd concept, and I don’t say that in the context of tuker Carlson (who I simply don’t give two shits about in any context), I say that in the context of us, as a “social media” community. We are subject to this proctorship, this censorship…

  • Wildly untenable concept in modern society…

    I’m sure it would work great in a video game or something, but In the real world, this shit goes crony AF guaranteed.

    We don’t measure aptitude or ability in our society, we absolutely suck at it. A person’s ability is measured by what pedigree they purchased at degrees R us, or worse, by how articulate and verbose they were when typing a resume. Occasionally, ability is measured by how well someone likes a person even…

    Competence is valued in a very select few enterprises. Trades, IT, and at higher echelons, math nerds… That’s about it…