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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is almost 20 years ago today, so my memory is a bit hazy, but basically each student had an account with a certain amount of space. I can’t remember the size, but given the amount of digital files we did produce it would’ve been 500GB+/ student. We could also “see” the account folder for everyone in our class for file sharing and stuff.

    There were also accounts/folders for each teacher, which we used to turn in the primary copy of whatever assignment we had done, if it was digital. Physical art were scanned or photographed also, as a sort of backup. We were also required to back every project up via USB sticks, ofc.

    There was also a dock for each digital camera that they had which allowed us to get our photographs transferred to our own folders.

    Now, I’ll freely admit that I haven’t touched a Mac since I left that school, and I’ve never had any interest in them whatsoever, so I don’t know what they used or if it even exists anymore. Someone with more knowhow maybe does?

    I do remember them specifically (proudly) telling us it all ran on Macs, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have any reason to believe so. The “server room” was basically what looked like a glorified closet with a rack and a couple of Macs that didn’t look like the ones we students used. This was just before the all-in-one models were introduced, iirc.

  • Depending on what your definition of “enterprise” is, I’ve attended what was at the time a fairly large and prestigious art school that ran everything on Macs.

    They even preferred that we didn’t bring windows laptops, although after some… rather intense protests by pretty much anyone under 25 we did get to bring our own peripherals.

    Edit: I’ll also add that outside the shitty keyboards and mice, the server system they had set up with our accounts on etc was completely fine.

    Never had a single issue with it and it was my first ever touching a Mac.

  • He’s not a giant asshole, he just doesn’t sugar-coat everything he says.

    It’s sort of a defining trait in people where he is from. If we say something we tend to say it straight. He might be a more extreme example than most, but I had a good friend from the same neighborhood and he was the same.

    We grew up a few years later when he had already moved to the US, but we used to sneak smokes in the park right outside where he first made Linux. My friend lived in the same building as he had done, but he was so computer illiterate that he had no idea who Linus was. I did, though, because Linus described that place pretty well in what I believe was his first book.