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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m not sure what to make of your “helped me get through feeling much like OP”.

    I’ve talked extensively with Blaze and others on the Fedigrow community about pretty much your exact set of bullet points over the past few months and the shine started to wear off Lemmy for a bit. You’re far from alone in feeling how you described in your post, as can be seen in most of the replies here.

    I think it’s just taking a step back and being able to appreciate what we do have. We haven’t turned into some complete right/left hellhole, the top posts everyday add up to thousands of comments, we have some quality content providers, and some really fun commenters. I certainly wouldn’t be ashamed to show someone my Lemmy feed.

    It’s good that you still have the drive to want to keep improving things around here in the ways you feel comfortable contributing to. Many initial hurdles to getting on Lemmy feel resolved, and so many in apps are equal to the Reddit apps for most use cases. Many initial accounts were probably from people trying to figure things out. I know I had like 5 accounts and only really use 1 now.

    I think we’ve just hit a plateau for now. My personal feeling is working on the culture is our best way forward to be different than Reddit and to pick up more people looking to escape the toxicity. The time to set our tolerance levels for certain behaviors is now before we get too big to reign it in. We’re a pretty good group now, and I hope it stays this way or gets a little better like last summer.

    I’m glad when I see people speak up like this though. It makes us all reflect on the guys and bad we see here and to think about where we stand ourselves in all of it.

  • You and the Fedigrow crew helped me get through feeling much like OP a while back. I think that was a really good idea, because it is tough and emotional at times doing what we do. It can be easy to feel alone when you put yourself out there every day and feel like nobody is around or like you’re doing something wrong and people are falling off.

    I never set out to be anybody here, but I was done with Reddit, and wanted to keep something that made me smile continue on, so I just sucked it up and did what needed to be done. You guys make it worth it, and as long as the people that do show up are having a good time, I’ll do my part to keep the party going. I get old, pre commercialized web vibes from Lemmy, so I’m gonna stick it out here as long as I can, because this is the kind of thing you don’t just get anywhere anymore.

  • I feel it is pretty stable here. I post every day, and it’s been a tad slower lately, much like I believe Blaze said, feels due to people going away for trips. Weekends are a decent bit slower, where usually they have been busy. That’s where I notice it the most. My subs are lower than at the start of the year, but they’re still going up slow but steady. Interactions are still steady, which is my main concern. As you’ve mentioned, people want to see that interaction. I don’t want to say my content is useless, because people don’t need owl pics and animal rescue facts every day, but I typically get 100+ likes per post, and a handful of comments.

    The key I feel though, is I have the same people coming in regularly every day, or every other day, and they are also participating. They make the place look alive more than me just throwing things out there. But that is a specific thing I work on, as much as the post content itself. When people come and make comments, I give them my full attention. I talk back to them, I laugh at their jokes and puns, I take time to answer their questions, I pay attention to what content they like or don’t like, how I post links. I treat them like they were clients. And now in return, they see that the community is a fun place to hang, and they come back regularly, even though I’m not giving them anything they couldn’t find, but I am adding value to their days. I make them smile, I make them feel like their effort commenting matters, I make them feel like they motivate me to keep posting (because they do!), and I teach them about things they never expected to care about.

    But it’s a lot of hard work! I try not to think about the time I put into this just for fun. Many of us have been here before the API exodus or before and have put in hours posting to nobody or a dozen people until we’ve built up momentum. Most people won’t even upvote, let alone comment or post, so it’s going to come in waves building up this place. You’re still in the wilderness here. We’re still pretty much the first wave of Fediverse settlers. We’re here while it is rough, setting the foundations of what will hopefully come, keeping us from fading to nothing. I don’t think new people appreciate that point. It’s not like 25% of Reddit broke off and came here with all the posters and the audience, we’re starting from scratch. I think what we have is amazing for a bunch of nobodies with no corporate cash. We’re all volunteers, building the social media we want to have. We should be proud of it, no matter what stage it’s at.

    Moderation is an area I feel could be stronger. Most threads are pretty good, but some could use a bit more reigning in. Part of the problem I see with that though, is the vocal part of the community is already hating on “heavy handed mods”, and you missed all the trashing of Beehaw for doing what I considered to be appropriate moderation. The Fed is full of a pretty diverse group of people. I talk to people from multiple countries, and the amount of LGBT I’ve gotten to get insight from has been amazing. It’s really helped me grow in my understanding of some things just being around all these people. But we need to ensure everyone is treated equally and respectfully, and there are many that want to bring Reddit behavior over here, and it’s up to the mods and commenters to decide if that’s what we want or not. I don’t want it, but many see no issue. I’m glad when people comment on it, because if people just accept it without speaking up, no one will know.

    There is a lot of good here, and even with 50k users, there’s going to be much more mid and crap than gold, but it’s here. Your comments look good, and you seem to stick to things you enjoy and avoid some that drag you down, and it’s important to notice your own behavior if you click stuff that is going to annoy you. I hit delete on a lot of comments when I wade into some of these topics. Some stuff I just don’t want to get involved in, especially as someone that is at least somewhat “known” around here now and is too lazy to make an alt. But I remind myself I’m here to have fun, and if I want news without the potential drama, I’ll leave here and go to AP or whatever. I’d hope posters would make stuff to help you have a good time, but it’s our job to cultivate our own experience ultimately.

    I could go on forever talking about this stuff, but I’ll stop for now. Just give it time and explore more, and since you seem to comment, keep doing that. It’s the best thing for this place. Post, comment, give feedback, repeat.

  • I bounce back and forth between 2 local places. With a simple food like pizza, the little differences in the ingredients and how they’re prepared come through moreso than in a complicated dish.

    The one place has a chewier crust, the other has a breadier crust. One has a sweeter sauce. The place I originally went to when I came here made a more well done crust that I didn’t like, but it’s one of the more popular places in town, so some people definitely prefer it. With local places you’re not stuck with a single flavor or style and you can get what you’re in the mood for that day.

    With that said, sometimes Domino’s or Pizza Hut takes me back to childhood memories, which helps out the flavor there. I never had Pappa John’s as a kid, so I didn’t like it much as an adult, but the other 2 remind me of being a kid. They’re probably not arbitrarily better than Pappa John’s, but they get the nostalgia bonus.

  • I was glad to have an opportunity to respond here. I feel Lemmy has been getting a little toxic lately, and I find myself deleting responses before posting them, as I don’t want to get drug down into pointless arguing with people. I get tensions are high, but I’m really missing the vibe we had here this time last year.

    I love learning of all kinds, so I have what I feel is a solid foundation in things like politics and economics, but it’s hard to find people that talking about these things can be enjoyable, so when I saw a call for some positivity, that’s why I come to Lemmy and do my thing. Lemmy/Reddit/Facebook can really reinforce negative feelings because of the feedback loop you can get. It has me wanting to check out as well, but the need to feel at least informed as to what is going on keeps me in.

    We can still be pissed at our surroundings while still being polite to each other. The majority of us here are all in much the same boat anyways. I don’t feel we have any 1%ers here, as I don’t feel the small audience would be worth their time, so we shouldn’t be squabbling amongst ourselves. No matter if the world gets better or worse, we’ll be needing each other for something or another.

    I feel out of place a lot online in the places I hang out. I’m not rich, but I have a house, I have decent investments so that makes me an evil shareholder to some, I was technically a landlord (for a month and I saw it wasn’t for me) so I have some compassion for landlords, I don’t love capitalism, but it’s the system we’ll likely have for my lifetime, so I learn to function successfully in it and try to teach others to navigate it as well. There’s a lot on paper that would make half the Lemmings hate on me, but I always try to get where everyone is coming from. I think most of the frustration is from not allowing yourself that empathy to see how things might look very different for someone else. I don’t think most people do things to be malicious. Again, especially not in our little crowd here.

    I’m going on too much as I tend to do, so thank you for the kind words, and I hope my message helps OP and some others. I’m always lurking for good places to share my 2 cents with you all, so keep a look out for me, and I’m here every day posting my own stuff to give people something to look forward to that is (mostly) controversy free!

  • Countries go through rises and falls. From an American perspective, I still think of Germany as one of the best European economies. German products are still considered top quality and Germany itself seems a place people would like to be for a number of reasons. Maybe you are too familiar with Germany’s current issues to see it fairly compared to other countries.

    You probably know more European history than I do, but look at England’s global dominance a century ago compared to now, or further back at countries like Belgium or the Netherlands. It’s all a dice game at any time which country is in the right position at the right time.

    The US is still riding the wave of economic benefit of being the major player that didn’t have its infrastructure ravaged by 2 world wars. We were able to sell everything to everyone after that, and it left us in a great position to be able to take advantage of the computer age.

    It will probably be an energy (nuclear/fusion/battery) or space technology breakthrough that will bring the next huge economic breakthrough for whomever comes up with the answer to those problems. I don’t see anything putting Germany in a bad position for that kind of thing. The catch that I’ll say exists now that didn’t before is our ability to travel and communicate so much more efficiently than ever is there are far fewer sole American, sole German, etc companies that the money from a boom will probably be spread around more than in the past, so economic waves may be smaller, yet more frequent than huge booms and busts in the past.

    As far as China goes, the impression I’m able to form is they are able to do what they do by doing what many countries would consider to be cooking their books. They seem to have much greater control over their economy and businesses themselves and their currency to push their agenda, to good and not so good ends. I don’t invest in China due to what I see as a lack of real transparency.

    At the end of the day, it all comes down to luck though. Things like climate change, immigration, and wars are always going to interfere with the plans of the greatest leaders, accidental discoveries will be made, and multitudes of other factors will pick our future winners and losers. It’s much easier to look back and say, it’s obvious we should have done X back then than it is to look forward and correctly say we need to do Y now.

    Germany will survive, as it will have to change with the times sooner or later. You’ll form trade and political alliances with different players as your economy changes. Young people will learn different careers as we did to join the age of technology and how our grandparents handled mechanized agriculture, airplanes, and automobiles. This area in time will likely be a blip in history, it’s just more important feeling because it’s our here and now. I don’t think you’d feel Germany is not at least in the top half of European nations, so that still puts you ahead of the majority. We’re all struggling now, but we’ll still wake up tomorrow and figure things out.

    I hope that gives you a more comfortable take on things from an outsider with a passing interest in world economics.

  • Ouch. Just finished Nobody Knows.

    I thought having watched Kotaro Lives Alone had me prepared for a more serious take on the subject, but that only lasted the first 2/3. Once that foreshadowing scene happened, I got a pit in my stomach that just got bigger until it was finally over.

    Afterwards, I read the plot summary on Wikipedia, which I normally do with foreign movies to get clued in in cultural things I wouldn’t get otherwise and saw this was based on a specific real life case. Surprisingly, the real story seemed even worse, especially considering the mom got custody back after everything.

    Amazingly powerful film. Added the others to my watchlist as well.

  • Came here to see if anyone else was plugging the other CZM podcasts. I’ve expanded out to Cool People (I especially like the anarchist book club stories) and It Could Happen Here.

    I wouldn’t call myself an anarchist by any means, but I like how they get to both the root causes of issues and also give some ideas on things we can do to make some of these situations better. That last part is what I feel is missing from just about every other show about current events.

  • Oh, this is awesome!

    I’ve gotten exposed to some of these elements of Japanese society through years of anime, manga, and video games, and there’s so many things I’ve done more learning on after finding out about them, but I’ve never thought about looking for movies about them. Ikiru is the only one I can think of that I’ve seen.

    All the ones you mentioned sound great, and I’ve just searched for movies about Koreans living in Japan, based on some of the plot points from the Yakuza games that had me interested in their history in Japanese society.

    Thank you for opening up a new rabbit hole for me to explore!

  • I don’t want to come off as insensitive, so I’ll try to phrase things carefully.

    If you have even the slightest spare money per pay period, like $30, and a 401k or 403b is offered to you, you really need to do it.

    That money comes out of your check before taxes, so you will be investing more money than what actually comes out of your check. By deduction 6% of a $15/hr full time job, you’re putting in $36, but your paycheck will only go down about $30-free money!

    Many places will match you some, say half of that first 6%, so now you’re saving $54 while only being out $30. You’ve almost doubled your money in one week!

    Come tax time, you’ve saved $1872, and you’ve been given a free $936. It doesn’t stop there though, because now you only are paying income tax on $29,328 instead of $31,200. If you get a tax rebate now, you will get even more back!

    So now you’re saving $2808 a year at age 20. Let’s put that in one mutual fund, a SP500 index fund. Over the last 10 years, that has returned 12‰, but let’s be conservative and call it 10. If you never make a cent more per hour, by age 65, you will have saved $84,000 and your job has chipped in $42,000, over a year’s pay! But with that 10% compound interest, you have $2,000,000! You are a multi-millionaire for $30/wk!

    If you get a raise or get a better job in the future, this number can be even higher.

    Please keep this in mind. Even if you can’t do it now, do it ASAP. Here are the same numbers, but starting at 30 instead of 20.

    Still amazing, but seeing this difference is why we older on ones tell you not saving earlier was our big regret.

    I hope this was helpful and doesn’t get taken as a “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” thing.