#StateoftheMap is coming to Manila 🇵🇭 watch the teaser vid: https://youtu.be/Q5dyxy6YxG0 #SotM2025
Canva slides here: edited and added Canva slides here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF-QLhrMps/OYQcp7XK_aQn1567-2AEDw/view
At syempre krinam natin yan, 4:30AM naiyak iytak aq kasi i watched @mapmakerdavid and @dekstop presentation @sotm 2019 for inspiration <3 #caretography
@pietervdvn this is amazing! Do we have something like this in the communitu forum in Discourse? 😃
@possiblylinux127 @arnalielsewhere https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/517120243#map=14/14.1688/121.2442 ❤️