• The real problem with humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.

  • Falling feels like flying, for a little while

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Being a white male doesn’t mean you’ll coast through it. You still have to put in the effort, otherwise you end up like the guy holding the cardboard sign in the back of the grocery store parking lot near my house in 30 degrees F, and it’s not even January yet.

    Americans have been getting poorer and poorer for decades, even though it doesn’t appear that way due to influx of cheap goods from the far east, but when you look at the cost of American labor, paying for any good or service that earned Americans a living wage, that’s when you get a true picture of how far your money goes.

  • Ok here’s my personal gripes/nitpicks


    • overlay band name on band tile. I know the name is up top, but I don’t recognize a lot of those tile pics and have to go one by one trying to find the right one.
    • when I click a band tile, the “Albums” icon is too small. Ideally have album tiles horizontal along the bottom, but at least make the icon bigger and put next to Instant Mix, also a “all songs” next to “albums”.
    • Instant Mix is confusing, it seems to be shuffle just name it shuffle, and if you hit shuffle from a band details I’d expect it to shuffle just that band, vs “Shuffle All” from main screen, or Shuffle album from album details, etc.
    • when playing and play/pause is focused, if I could push “up” to focus the progress bar, and then left/right to fast fwd/rewind, or “ok” btn to enter a time to skip to (think, where I left off in this 20 hour long audiobook)

    Movies section had some nitpicks too. Like wishing there was a quick bar when you focus a movie, or at least putting “un/mark watched” in the asterisk menu instead of having to drill into it. The rest is probably just me needing to get used to the playback button design, like pushing up I’d expect to see progress bar and some quick functions but instead I see file info which doesn’t seem like a common thing I’d care to look at. Similarly, being able to click the progress bar and skip to a time would be wonderful vs hitting “right” a hundred times on my crappy Roku remote 🙂

    Hope you found my complaining useful!

  • The universe appears to be zero sum and I try to balance a non-dualistic perspective with a healthy dose of practicality… for now

    I hate nobody more than anybody else, I blame nobody more than anybody else. We seem to all be equally victims and perpetrators swimming in this trauma soup.

    For many things, I’ve become like a national geographic cameraman observing from the bush, though for now, I will step in and stop human brutality if I see it… I don’t know if I always will.

    I’ll continue pondering, and make changes as needed.