Beto Dealmeida makes music as a one-person band called The Fishermen & the Priestess.


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • “poorly planned vegan diets that do not replace the critical nutrients found in meat, can lead to serious micronutrient deficiencies.” (from the article)

    Yeah, switching your diet to anything has that risk, obviously. You need to understand what you eat.

    And your daily life is already supplemented with pills, the only difference is they’re given to the animals you eat. Cattle is given B12 because they don’t graze and don’t have access to enough cobalt.

  • It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.


  • Love this!

    I also have a MUD story… back in 1993 I lived in Brazil, and there were no commercial ISPs, so you couldn’t have internet even if you wanted to pay for it. Only universities were connected to the internet.

    A friend of mine was in college studying computer science, and he had a “special number” that he could dial to get access from home. The number was unlike any other I’ve seen before. He shared the login (“students”) and password (“students93”) with me, and told me I could use it sparingly.

    I was 15 at the time, and I started playing a MUD. The first day I played for 30 minutes. The second day, for a couple hours. Soon I was spending 8 hours a day playing MUD, and I started dreading the phone bill. Long distance calls where super expensive back then in Brazil, and even a landline would cost as much as a car!

    After a month, no bill came. I waited another couple weeks, and I finally decided to call the phone company and ask how much it would cost to call the “special number”.

    “Sir, this number doesn’t exist”, was the answer.

    Well, it worked for me! I kept using it, playing that MUD for 8-12 hours every day. Eventually, when 1994 arrived, my password stopped working. I tried “students94” and I was in. I only had telnet and ftp access, but that was enough to play MUDs and discover a whole new world.

    Eventually in 1995 the password stop working again, and trying “students95” didn’t work. I started using BBSs, and eventually ran my own for a few months. In 1996 I went to college, and the first commercial ISP opened in the city where I was. I was one of their first clients.