Coder, Creative, Fungi🍄
Yes, also occures without the header. But I think I know the problem now: I tried to use the certificate of my host provider, which seems not to work for federation
Ok, yeah, I’m using a certiciate of my domain provider. Maybe that’s the problem … thanks! I will try to do it with letsencrypt/acme
Or do you know a similar post maybe?
Sure no pressure!
You are right, it could be read that way from the title. But from the content it becomes pretty clear that the section of the universe called the “Open Web” was deserted in this world decades ago and no one is there.
Thanks. So nice to hear some feedback <3
You are right about the story. I crafted the whole thing a bit more hasty than the last ones. It should be longer and have an actual story and maybe some new characters. I also need to improve my writing. I tried a more playful style for this one, because its adventerous and so on, but its too inconsistent.
I’m thinking about extending and re-writing it, but am not sure if I will find the time. Thanks anyways :)
Its meant in the sense: better build communities in the fediverse rather than on Mars. Its a pun on “Colonize Mars”
Ja stimmt, Novelle trifft es eher. Die einzelnen Teile sind aber einigermaßen abgeschlossen. Man kann es also in Häppchen lesen.
Hab noch nicht für mehr als den Anfang Zeit gehabt, der klingt interessant.
Danke :)
Thanks. It was due to me using a wrong port. Its working now.
Sorry for the inconvinience