CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿

Cashew nuts are the best nut

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Do you think everyone should agree with you always?

    No of course not but I subscribe to the original Reddiquette philosophy. Downvotes arne’t for disagreement. They were originally a form of user-moderation to stop spam. Unfortunately about a decade ago after the Digg exodus the users of Reddit forgot that original usage and so you’d end up being downvoted and not knowing why. It doesn’t foster debate or discussion. It’s a cheap way to snipe someone down without being responsible or engaging them.

    I never, ever downvote unless it’s obvious link spam. If I feel strongly enough I tell the person they’re wrong and why. That’s what I believe in.

    I am curious, what current of socialism do you subscribe to?

    Libertarian Socialism. In the UK the closest parties/groups would be Black Rose Labour and/or Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour. The countries closest to my beliefs are Denmark, Iceland and Norway.

    However, the people on took further offence when I suggested DPRK wasn’t a democratic country and they trotted out a list of articles on how democratic it really was. Then I was given a bunch of Stalin emojis of him pulling heart shapes with his hands.

    I’m not a fan of autocratic dictatorships and I was dog-piled and taunted with a bunch of Stalinist and DPRK memes. Because apparently you’re not truly left-wing unless you worship Stalin and Kim.

    I would have been happy to debate these points with them but unfortunately my reticence of autocratic dictatorships was considered far worse than what was directed at me in response.

  • The tough thing is Mac laptops are the best

    They’re not. I had a 2008 Unibody Macbook pro. In 2012 it literally fell apart. That was after 4 years of constantly hearing about recalls and fixes pushed by Apple for bad hardware fuckups.

    During a search to find a fix for the snapped display frame I came across Louis Rossman who showed in multiple teardowns how poorly made Macbooks are.

    It was a HUGE eye-opener. Macs are NOT well made. They have a fuck-ton of terrible design decisions.

    They look nice but they’re shit.

    E.g. my Lenovo P51 looks like a plasticy piece of shit. But I can pour a full bottle of water over the keyboard and drop it from head height but it will still work and will continue working for the next 15yrs+. Because it’s built to last.

    Even Apple doesn’t have confidence in it’s products forcing you to buy Apple Care to extend a warranty that other laptop manufacturers give you free. I think my P51 had a free 3 or 5yr warranty. My Macbook’s was 1yr.