• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • corvus@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlBest place to keep cripto
    5 months ago

    You won’t have to try the combinations of 250 words because the seeds are words at equally spaced distance so at most you have to try 20 combinations. And that’s supposing that all the 250 words are from the seed list, which obviously is not going to happen, so you only have to try a few valid combinations if you forget the number 13. So all you have to remember is the title of the essay and that the seeds are equally spaced, and even the later is not necessary if you think about it just a little bit (just don’t use words from the bip39 wordlist for the rest) and I expect that you are not dumb enough to save the page in only one single place among thousands of other pages. If you want you can save the page in the same way you would save the 12 words, may be with a couple of other documents, but the point is not saving a paper with just 12 words!

  • corvus@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlBest place to keep cripto
    5 months ago

    Absolutely. All you need to recover your keys are the 12 words. Never save the 12 words alone, If someone come across them it will be obvious what they are. Write a little essay of one page of length or less about whatever topic and hide the words in it (like every 13 words or whatever method you like that its easy to remember). Nobody has to know that you save your keys in this way. For me the key to save the seeds safely is disguise, simply because they are just words and its easy to do it. Hide the essay among other documents and that’s it. If nobody knows that that’s the way you save them there is no way they can figure it out. That way you can leave them in many places for additional safety.

  • corvus@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlBest place to keep cripto
    5 months ago

    The coins are on the blockchain, what you save in a wallet are the keys to access them.

    Contrary to the common believe you don’t need a hardware wallet to keep your keys safe, what you really need is a air gapped or cold storage and you can achieve this in many ways. I found that one of the best ways to do it is grabbing an old phone and following this guide


    Tldr: install the wallet and never connect the phone to the internet again and use QR codes to sign transactions using the camera. Super practical, cheap, truly air gapped and doesn’t attract attention like a hardware wallet. Additionally I would disable the wallet app when you don’t use it, so the wallet will not be visible in case someone else grabs the phone (you can do this by installing the app as a system app using adb). And don’t forget to save the seeds of the wallet in safe place and always use fully FOSS wallets like electrum.

  • corvus@lemmy.mltoOpen Source@lemmy.mlDon't be that guy.
    6 months ago

    You are literally sending 99% of the new Linux users back to Windows haha. C’ mon its not that hard, look at what custom ROM developers do. They put a big disclaimer warning of the risks of installing the software. You won’t find a single user blaming the devs for a bricked phone, and there are lot of them. The one who has to consider the risks and warn about them is the dev, just because (s)he is the one who knows the software better and not all users are developers and they usually don’t know what are the risks.

  • Jiddu Krishnamurti - Life Ahead (talks to students)

    "One of the causes of fear is ambition, is it not? And are you all not ambitious? What is your ambition? To pass some examination? To become a governor? Or, if you are very young, perhaps you just want to become an engine-driver, to drive engines across a bridge. But why are you ambitious? What does it mean? Have you ever thought about it? Have you noticed older people, how ambitious they are? In your own family, have you not heard your father or your uncle talk about getting more salary, or occupying some prominent position? In our society - and I have explained what our society is, everybody is doing that, trying to be on top. They all want to become somebody, do they not? The clerk wants to become the manager, the manager wants to become something bigger, and so on and so on - the continual struggle to become. If I am a teacher, I want to become the principal; if I am the principal, I want to become the manager. If you are ugly, you want to be beautiful. Or you want to have more money, more saris, more clothes, more furniture, houses, property - more and more and more. Not only outwardly, but also inwardly, in the so-called spiritual sense, you want to become somebody, though you cover that ambition by a lot of words. Have you not noticed that? And you think it is perfectly all right, don’t you? You think it is perfectly normal, justifiable, right.

    Now, what has ambition done in the world? So few of us have ever thought about it. When you see a man struggling to gain, to achieve, to get ahead of somebody else, have you ever asked yourself what is in his heart? If you will look into your own heart when you are ambitious, when you are struggling to become somebody, spiritually or in the wordily sense, you will find there the worm of fear. The ambitious man is the most frightened of men, because he is afraid to be what he is. He says, “If remain what I am, I shall be nobody, therefore I must be somebody, I must become a magistrate, a judge, a minister”. If you examine this process very closely, if you go behind the screen of words and ideas, beyond the wall of status and success, you will find there is fear; because the ambitious man is afraid to be what he is. He thinks that what he is in himself is insignificant, poor, ugly; he feels lonely, utterly empty, therefore he says, “I must go and achieve something”. So either he goes after what he calls God, which is just another form of ambition, or he tries to become somebody in the world. In this way his loneliness, his sense of inward emptiness - of which he is really frightened - is covered up. He runs away from it, and ambition becomes the means through which he can escape.

    So, what is happening in the world? Everybody is fighting somebody. One man feels less than another and struggles to get to the top. There is no love, there is no consideration, there is no deep thought. Or society is a constant battle of man against man. This struggle is born of the ambition to become somebody, and the older people encourage you to be ambitious. They want you to amount to something, to marry a rich man or a rich woman, to have influential friends. Being frightened, ugly in their hearts, they try to make you like themselves; and you in turn want to be like them, because you see the glamour of it all. When the governor comes, everybody bows down to the earth to receive him, they give him garlands, make speeches. He loves it, and you love it too. You feel honoured if you know his uncle or his clerk, and you bask in the sunshine of his ambition, his achievements. So you are easily caught in the ugly web of the older generation, in the pattern of this monstrous society. Only if you are very alert, constantly watchful, only if you are not afraid and do not accept, but question all the time - only then will you not be caught, but go beyond and create a different world."


  • He is clearly talking about the problems with Linux the OS, i.e. GNU/Linux, not with Linux the kernel, which is what Android is based on. So Android users don’t count as Linux OS users. Besides that, I’ve been using Debian+KDE for over a decade as a daily driver and never had any such issues, It’s hard for me to remember a single issue of importance.