• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • and each closed-source drivers version only works with a single kernel version. It might work OK as long as the drivers and kernel are kept in sync (I think Pop! or Nobara have nVidia specific versions for this reason), but otherwise each kernel upgrade is a risk.

    Are you sure this is true? I make no attempt to keep my kennel and driver in sync and have never had any problems at all. I’m pretty sure you’re wrong about this

    Plus nVidia drivers are basically shit with Wayland and cause a ton of issues.

    This is kind of true, but overstating. I use nvidia with Wayland also the time and, apart from some games, it works really well. Many of those issues will be fixed when explicit sync is released.

    That all said, is she that AMD is currently best for Linux.

  • None of this is new or hasn’t been thought about, written about and deflated for centuries. I doubt you have any theologians shaking in their boots.

    The meaning of omnipotence as it translates to Good has always been nuanced. There have always been things God can’t do - sin being the obvious example. You could debate whether he can, but just never would because of his character, but it amounts to the same thing and has been orthodoxy for centuries.

    The apparent contradictions on the Gospels (especially synoptic) have been done to death. Debated and answered more times than you’ve had hot dinners. There is no serious theologian or biblical scholar who would hear that argument and be at all concerned by it.

    Honestly the same applies to the idea of a good god and suffering.