• 9 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • I live in Manchester. Which is an amazing city for public transport. I work in Cheshire which isn’t.

    As I said. To take the train. I must walk from my town 20 minutes to the Metrolink, then take that 35-40 minutes into Manchester, then take the train 45 minutes to Cheshire, and then finally walk another 20 minutes to the office. That’s without counting any waiting periods in between. VS 75 minute drive.

    We haven’t even factored in it rains 70% of days here. Or even the cost.

    You can moan at my boss for not allowing fully WFH. But my point was some people can’t just commute everywhere. Perhaps when I’m more experienced I can find a job closer to home or more remote, but for now this is all I can do.

    Edit: I have nothing to rebut to people online. I was merely giving an example. Get off your high horse mate.

  • Although I agree that using cars on pointless journeys is a waste and not good for the planet, but using public transport isn’t always an option.

    If I’m travelling 6 miles in to town then I’m taking the tram, but it really isn’t feasible when travelling 40 miles to work and back 3 times a week. Sure there are trains, but I would have to get up an hour earlier, set off an hour earlier, wait 50 minutes for the train home, and get home two hours later. As I would also have to take the tram 40 minutes to the train station and walk 20 mins before that.

    I have a car that I use for work. Outside of that I’m walking or taking public transport.

  • Thank you.

    I think you’re right about not gaining experience outside of our tech stack right now, as we consult for various clients but the boss / lead is a certified genius (not even being hyperbolic) who has refined our stack so much that a lot is obfuscated away and each new project starts from a clone of the last.

    I will say it’s been nice to learn C# .Net, but I honestly don’t understand how the whole applications tie together and I’m just building in our conventions.

    I do feel like I can grow more here and really hone the skills in terms of decision making, best practices and such. It’s just overwhelming at times when he says just do X, Y, and Z but in a way that makes sense in his head but I need things breaking down a little more.

    I think you’re also right in starting looking now for the next role and even if it takes a while it’s good to hone my interview skills as this is somewhere I really do suck. I’m not really after a massive salary, just something more than I could get if I stayed working the bar at Apple, as I am solving problems.

    I should add as well that it is incredibly relaxed and the company has been amazing in making concessions for me in terms of working from home more due to ongoing car issues and the way they support my neurotic nature and will even phrase things in a way as to remove any ambiguity.

  • I have to ask, how does one even manage thousands of open tabs?

    Like how do you find the 1 in 1756 tabs that you are looking for?

    Excuse me for thinking that that is an insane way to work and there is no way it can be productive. Like if you have a thousand open at any given moment, what are they all. What are you doing that warrants this? What’s wrong with bookmarks.

    I think the consensus here has been clear in that you guys are in the minority of people. And that’s on Lemmy where we skew tech literate and would mostly be power users. I just can’t see how it can be productive.

    Not calling you out here. Like I really need to know your workflow with some examples of the why?