Reading shampoo bottles
I asked bing because I miss using I3, and here’s the short version of what it gave me.
bindsym --release --no-repeat $mod+Shift+q [class="Firefox"] nop
Might have to fiddle with it, but then dropped the command into a new chat and had it explain what it does, and it figured out that it should use nop
when Firefox is focused.
So, hope it helps some. Now I’ll go think about getting back to i3 somehow.
I’m not going to look up what a Thrustmaster TMX is and will instead assume the worst. (best?)
Me neither, when it comes to printing. I do a lot of casting in resin though. But don’t know shit when it comes to printing with it. FDM is my pride and joy there.
Right so I love resin stuff and despise sanding so I’ve tried a lot of things. First, sanding is actually great. Miserable process, but once you have a single piece that you like, it’s pretty trivial to mold and cast it again and again and again. Does take some equipment though for quality, repeatable results.
If you go with sanding, grab some micro mesh pads. They’re great.
Some kind of resin
Do you not carry 3 phones already? Just swap one out.