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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • $1,731 in today’s USD is $37,392. That new car would be $18k, rent was just over $500. There’s places in the US where average rent is close to that, and I bet if we removed NYC and the Bay area the national average wouldn’t be super far off.

    Education and staples are where you’re getting drilled on a daily basis. Harvard costs many times the average national income rather than being a fraction of it.

  • You’re missing a TON of history here. Like udev being a dependency to all those projects AND systemd, which led to systemd adding it to their project. Really it could be said that udev is the critical component here.

    As you mentioned networkmanager, you clearly know that many popular distros use that rather than systemd-networkd.

    Grub2 is by far the most popular boot loader, so far ahead that it’s not even worth considering others. Grub has had several major issues, every distro uses it, why not pick on grub as the risk?

    Did you have these same concerns about sysvinit? About the various distro network scripts? What about libc? Good god if there’s a problem with libc we’re all in deep trouble.

    Yes, code has bugs. But New code has new bugs (ironically an argument previously used against systemd). Whatever you replace these components with will be just as likely to have a critical vulnerability, but far fewer maintainers and resources to fix it. Systemd has simplified and improved features of so many parts of Linux that it’s funny to see how vehemently people argued against it. Feel free to disable any parts you don’t need, but I think you’re missing 20 years of painful history that led us here.

  • I mean, you’re such an absolute know-nothing that it’s hilarious. Nice xenophobic bullshit sprinkled in too. Sorry, no university for me, let alone FPGA in university in the 90s. When my friends were in university they were still spending their time learn Java.

    The world has changed since 30 years ago

    Indeed. And people like me have been there every step of the way. Your ageism is showing.

    and the future of integer operations is in reprogrammable chips

    Yes, I remember hearing this exact sentiment 30 years ago. Right around the time we were hearing (again) how neural networks were going to take over the world. People like you are a dime a dozen and end up learning their lessons in a painfully humbling experience. Good luck with that, I hope you take it for the lesson it is.

    All the benefit of a fab chip

    Except the amount of wasted energy, and extreme amount of logic necessary to make it actually work. You know. The very fucking problem everybody’s working hard to address.

    The very idea that you think all these companies are looking to design and build their own single purpose chips

    The very idea that you haven’t kept up with the industry and how many companies have developed their own silicon is laugh out loud comedy to me. Hahahaha. TSMC has some news for you.

    You’re only describing how ASIC is used in switches

    Nope, I actually described how they are used in SoCs, not in switching fabrics.

    That’s not how general use computing works in the world anymore, buddy

    Except all those Intel processors I mentioned, those ARM chips in your iPhones and Pixels, the ARM processors in your macbooks. You know. Real nobodies in the industry.

    It’s never going to be a co-proc in a laptop that can load models and do general inference, or be a useful function for localized NN.

    Intel has news for you. It’s impressive how in touch you pretend to be in “the industry” but how little you seem to know about actual products being actually sold today.

    Hey, quick question. Does nvidia have FPGAs in their GPUs? No? Hmm. Is the H100 just a huge set of FPGA? No? Oh, weird. I wonder why, since you in all your genuis has said that’s the way everybody’s going. Strange that their entire product roadmap shows zero FPGA on their DPUs, GPUs, or on their soon to arrive SoCs. You should call Jensen, I bet he has so much to learn from a know-it-all like you that has some amazing ideas about US universities. Hey, where is it that all these tech startup CEOs went to university?

    Tell you what. Don’t bother responding, nothing you’ve said holds any water or value.