Barbershop quartet singer, weight-loser, philosophy student of life

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • . I’m just saying the reasons given seem… Idea driven.

    There are two different problems

    The exploding-heads website is the one that is “… Idea driven” (nicely said by you). Just as someone else mentioned, somebody might find my ideas distasteful and want to defederate with my instance just because my opinion doesn’t agree with theirs, I wouldn’t want to be treated that way, and that consideration should probably go both ways no matter whether I like their opinion or sense of humor/irony (or not). As a user, I have felt no impact about this “problem” but Federation or not is more of an administrator question and I am not an administrator.

    The website Is a website that has lost its administrator somewhere, so nobody is minding the store. That is concerning because it becomes an attractive nuisance to the network itself. Should there be concerning posts or other forms of malicious traffic, there is no one to raise those concerns to. As users, this doesn’t bother us very much, but this may be something for the administrators that federate with it to consider.

  • No, I do not care to and why would I?

    If you are going to quote me, quote me. Do not edit my quotes.

    Let’s not be like Reddit and comment essays without reading the article. That’s why. You don’t even know what you’re arguing for if you don’t look at it.

    Your article is the article. Your story is you read something somewhere about these sites, not from the sites. You passed it along, later checking and finding that some of the first facts were wrong (which is fine, that happens), but that you still think there were problems here. Perhaps, even bigger problems here.

    I don’t need to visit any other sites to hold the principle that federation or defederation is about network management, not the views or viewpoints of the content. Not whether the content is right or wrong or factual or not, but whether it impacts the federation itself.

    If I was in charge of network or systems management here, my main concern with all of this would be that is reportedly without any moderation/administration. But I’m just a user here, and it seems that you are too. You’ve said your bit, I’ve said mine, and we both been cordial about it.

    You should keep talking about this if you remain interested in it, but I’m moving on. I just wanted to voice my view that the reason I joined this instance was because it was widely federated and not involved in what was going on at beehaw.

  • Also did you look at the instances in question yourself?

    No. I’m operating under the principle that anything that I have to experience by going elsewhere practically proves that it isn’t causing a problem here.

    You are aware that defederating from an instance won’t stop individual users from that instance joining yours?

    If defederation causes objectionable people that would otherwise leave the remaining network alone to – because they were defederated – to come here and everywhere and not leave other instances alone, then the best move from the network’s perspective is to remain federated. Right?

  • As usual, I have typed 500 words when 50 will do, and for that I apologize.

    Go to those instances and read what’s there

    No, I do not care to and why would you do that? You already have determined it’s not right for you. Any alleged content problem that you have to see by going there would, if true, be a problem there. Does that make it a problem here? If I have to take extraordinary steps here to see it here, isn’t that on me? Isn’t the apparatus doing what it is supposed to be doing if I seek out a thing and find it?

    The ultimate measure of freedom is the freedom to abstain. (Nobody is forcibly opting us in to reading their content.)

    I’m just a regular user of SDF so these things aren’t up to me, but I would think that it would take more than “because it exists.” Defederation and Federation shouldn’t be used to signal alignment and nonalignment of expression, but for reasons of managing the network itself. A telephone company provides service to everyone and doesn’t care what you do with your phone. But, if someone is using it in a way that disrupts the network itself or others’ ability to use the network, the telephone company should act to protect the overall integrity of the network. Even then it wouldn’t silence the speech because of the speech, but because of the network.

    Their instance continues to exist without us, their free speech continues, but by remaining federated we are giving them a platform.

    Look, it’s one thing to be put off by someone going out of their way to affront you. It’s another to feel affronted after going out of your way to find if there is something objectionable anywhere. By that logic, since you have found something then defederation alone should not be enough, as “we are giving them a platform” still, because other people might visit there directly instead of through federation. Therefore, due to that situation, they should not have an DNS entry so you work on their Registrar to “deplatform” them. Then, because someone can connect using an IP address, their ISP should disconnect their service or else they’re providing their ISP as a platform. But as they can get another ISP in this day of mobile connectivity, you could chase down their power company, yes, because their power company is a platform – as is their landlord – as is their employer. And so on.

    I remain unconvinced.

  • If I am reading the situation wrong, I apologize.

    The reason that I am not a member at beehaw was because they were overly wrapped up in concerns such as this one. I’m here for enjoyable chats with people, not to take sides in the latest macro-politics or causes or whatever lately is stirring the pot or making the winds blow. These things are fine and some people are interested in them, but I’m turned off by the idea of an instance that is particularly identified one way or another when I am not concerned with any of that.

    What I’m looking for are kind souls that share an interest in technology and an instance that was widely federated so that a wide variety of my interest groups (music, weightloss, networking, ancient Stoicism) are available. That’s why I joined here. SDF has been around a long time and many who have enjoyed its offerings have held many different opinions and yet shared this resource peacefully.

    I’m particularly turned off by people that want a silo with only the right causes, only the right thinking, only the right speech.

    That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have management and protection of against those that are unkindly trolling or actively trying to do technical damage. Ban those actually doing evil. But if people of good cheer share different views kindky as neighbors and friends, I have no problem with that and don’t want to see that roped off.

    Remember the two rules of FidoNet? “Don’t be excessively annoying. Don’t be easily annoyed.” That’s all I’m saying.

  • That reminds me of an old joke:

    The three biggest lies:

    • “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”
    • “Of course, I’ll respect you in the morning.”
    • “This machine is 100% IBM compatible.”

    One thing that I remember on clones was a timing switch. The IBM PC was slower than the clones, and games often didn’t run as expected unless you slowed down the processor.

    The Apple II was biggest software/installed base, the Atari 800 had the best graphics, CP/M machines had established business software already.

    My impressions: Apple II and Commodore weren’t really after the business market. CP/M machines were although I only knew of one guy that owned one (and he ran a BBS of all things from it). Those interested in Apple or Commodore and Atari were probably not trying to run a business of a lot of size. Don’t forget the Tandy TRS-80 stuff too.

  • I was looking for a lemmy instance that would let me create communities, downvote if I wanted to downvote, and that would take care of troublemakers without being too overly restrictive.

    I also wanted to ease the burden on the very busy lemmy instances that were being overwhelmed by the reddit Exodus.

    It seems I have found a place. The SDF has a very long history of serving several communities in the internet and Linux world. I first ran into them decades ago, and they are still here.