• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That’s a decent start, but you need a browser that’s resistant to fingerprinting through some plugins and something like ublock origin that will block all embedded content. At some point, it may require you to use a phone number, and at that point you may have a problem. If you avoid that, one of the biggest threats are the facebook and related meta content placed on other pages around the internet. The pixel is one aspect, but almost any facebook content can still track you across sites. These are easily blocked with a decent adblocker and probably privacybadger too.

    I know lots of folks will disagree, but I’d care less about Facebook tracking you as they mostly only care about serving you ads and making content suggestions to keep you on the platform to view more ads. Facebook has never served me a relevant ad, and even with a lot of use still can’t recommend things I’m interested in. Data leaks and sharing is a concern, but that’s a concern with every site. I think when it comes to privacy, there’s far bigger concerns.

  • They’ve looked beyond x86 before. It didn’t go well.

    This article is focused on the ancient risc vs cisc mindset that’s outdated, and sort of misses a lot of what’s going on in modern processors. THere’s several facets beyond the ISA that really affect modern processors, especially x86 ones which use a section on their chip to convert x86 instructions into micro-code. It’s something they’ve been doing for like 20+ years now. It’s an optimization that breaks them into simpler codes so they can reorder operations and optimize pipelines to prevent stalls.

    There is a better argument to be made about whether the legacy of x86 backwards compatibility is limiting the processors, and that is very real. There’s a lot of really good articles around this, and despite all of the claims, we’ve seen some amazing advancements from both Intel and AMD while still supporting that instruction set.

  • German and English are the two I can fumble my way around. Having lived and traveled some, I could fumble some basics in a few others like Dutch. I know a bit of a few others. I can read enough to figure out what’s going on in some contexts, and maybe speak enough to get around, but definitely can’t carry on a conversation in them.

    It’s tough. There’s only so many hours in the day, and while I do get to watch some videos on occasion, I sometimes have too many things going on. I used to watch movies I knew well in other languages, so I already knew the context and could piece together words and phrases. I don’t have time for that anymore though.