Gegen die Politiker? Nicht wirklich
Nur gegen Wahlplakate - oder halt lächerlich machende Aktionen gegen die Person - aber nichts was ernsthaft verletzen könnte.
Das Problem ist halt, dass rechte Politiker das sich relativ oft aus dem Arsch ziehen mit den Übergriffen (Giftnadel, Kantholz, etc.) so dass bei vielen erstmal Skepsis da ist wenn sowas kommt statt das direkt zu verurteilen.
How many of those are regulars at shops selling unwrapped products and are aware of the fact that plastic being light makes it way cheaper to transport than glass or any replacement and that a supermarket without plastic wrapping would have way less different products or massively higher prices?
It’s like the whole “it’s only 8 companies doing climate change” thing that I feel people like to think it’s easy to change this stuff without it making their lives harder but when someone actually does what they wanted end they realize the ramifications of it they complain.
I’m all for that as well but I’m also ready for a really hard period until companies figure out ways around it without creating another 20 different chains where you can give back reusable containers