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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Ich bin bestimmt nicht dafür, dass Deutschland neue Atomkraftwerke baut. Das ist ja jetzt vorbei und Atomkraft ist nicht so effizient wie Wind- und Sonnenenergie. Bayern ist auch nicht dafür, die Errichtung von Windmühlen oder Sonnenfarms zu erlauben.

    Es stimmt, dass wir kein Endlager haben. Es gibt giftige Nebenprodukte von Kohle, Erdgas oder Mineralöl, welche wir auch nicht lagern, sondern in die Luft schmeißen.

    Es wäre besser, wenn wir ein Endlager hätten, aber mMn ist es fast genauso schwer eine Tonne zu lagern als drei. Wir (als Menschen, nicht unbedingt Deutschland) müssen schon eine Lösung für Atommüll finden, daher finde ich es auch okay, wenn wir eine größere Menge haben.

    Ist das super verantwortungsvoll? Nein. Ich finde Kohle, Erdgas und Mineralöl noch weniger verantwortungsvoll, und daher habe ich Atomkraft immer politisch unterstützt, wenn es nur um Unerneuerbares geht. Da ungefähr 80% deutscher Energie kommt aus unerneuerbaren Quellen, war das leider oft.

    Jetzt finde ich es quasi irrelevant, weil wir bessere Sonnen- und Windenergietechnik haben.

  • Und jetzt haben wir fortgeschrittenere Sonnen- und Windkrafttechnik, aber bis ~2015 war Atomkraft viel besser für die Umwelt.

    Man muss auch daran denken, dass Sonnen- und Windkraft leider kaum in Deutschland benutzt werden. Erneuerbare Energien sind nur ein kleiner Teil deutsches Energieverbrauchs.

    Naturkatastrophen können passieren, stimmt. Aber ich glaube, Deutschland kann das. Frankreich hat einen großen Anteil an Atomkraft und trotz der Dürren (was Kraftwerke nur zum Stillstand wegen der Kühlung bringen) sind in 50 Jahren, laut Wikipediaauf Englisch aber nicht Deutsch, 16 Personen deswegen medizinisch behandelt und eine gestorben worden.

    Ein Tod ist natürlich nicht nichts, aber keine Energie ist sicher. Menschen sterben auch weil Deutschland Atomkraft ersetzt hat.

  • Is there way more validity/importance to race than phrenology? Some folks seem to love connecting with their culture, their ancestors, and race plays a part - they’ll take pride in all of it.

    Culture is a good thing to compare it to, because they’re both sociological, rather than biological distinctions. People want to connect with their culture, but I think if race were truly irrelevant, they might base it on different things. I’ve heard my stepsister attribute her loudness to being Jewish, Italian, and a New Yorker- I’d expect more of the latter if no one else had told her that Jews or Italians are loud.

    If there’s not a connection between a behavior and a race (or ethnicity), I don’t know how one could take pride in it. I also don’t really see how the world can be fully egalitarian if they still exist- would someone who believes Italians are inherently louder than, say, Japanese people give mr. Policetti and mr. Yamamoto the same chances when hiring an academic dean or a DJ for a kid’s party? I can’t see how they would.

    Maybe I’m missing something, but if that thought is somewhere in peoples heads, I think it’s got to have an effect.

  • I don’t think there would be perspectives on race, except as a hypothetical- the way I (and I assume others) feel when something like those head shape diagrams that tell you about whether someone’s a criminal (edit: phrenological diagrams)come up: it’s an invented way to keep people in groups, so it won’t stick around once people are no longer separating themselves on that basis.

    Given that we don’t live in that society, I see no issue with treating a post from a white man specifying white beauty differently from one from a black man about black beauty. They are different statements. I see it similarly to how a woman saying “it was great to see a woman win a scientific award” is a different statement from a man saying “it was great to see a man win a scientific award.” Black women have been excluded from American ideas of beauty since there was an America in a variety of ways.

  • I speak a language with a formal you and am constantly trying to use it to tell people to back off, but it doesn’t really work like that. That’s absolutely what I do in English with ma’am/sir though.

    I used to work in a call center for an insurance company, so people would get upset and shitty with us. My default to “reset” politeness was to allow a couple beats of silence, then say “well sir/ma’am, xyz is what I can do to help you. Would you like my help?” It worked about 90% of the time, but drawing the silence out longer and adding more audibly sarcastic sugar on the sir/ma’am would generally work at either getting them in line or provoking them enough to cross the line so we could hang up on them.

  • idiomaddict@feddit.detoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldCongregation
    5 months ago

    Liberals aren’t leftists.

    Edit: to clarify, this is from the Wikipedia entry on left-wing politics:

    In modern politics, the term Left typically applies to ideologies and movements to the left of classical liberalism, supporting some degree of democracy in the economic sphere. Today, ideologies such as social liberalism and social democracy are considered to be centre-left, while the Left is typically reserved for movements more critical of capitalism,[9] including the labour movement, socialism, anarchism, communism, Marxism and syndicalism, each of which rose to prominence in the 19th and 20th centuries.[10] In addition, the term left-wing has also been applied to a broad range of culturally liberal social movements,[11] including the civil rights movement, feminist movement, LGBT rights movement, abortion-rights movements, multiculturalism, anti-war movement and environmental movement[12][13] as well as a wide range of political parties.

    So some classify liberals as center-left, but center leftists aren’t a thing, and calling them just leftists would be inaccurate.