I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • Maeby: And the worst part is he thinks he’s passing.

    Yes, her motivation was make Steve Holt not interested but the fact that it works really makes the whole thing worse. Fundamentally the joke is that Steve wouldn’t be attracted to trans woman, which is what happens. Which honestly makes the whole joke worse.

    And even if you don’t care about that, Maeby’s motivation doesn’t matter because she still uses transphobia as a way to harass Lindsey behind her back.

    I honestly find the whole thing so upsetting and not even remotely funny.

  • Which ignores the context that getting them with a prescription is becoming a functional immposiblity for trans people in the UK. I support the concept that prescription drugs should not be for sale, BUT it is disengenerous that the prescription process is arbitrarily years long and constantly under attack.

    My trans friend who lives in the UK has been forced to get her medication from the web because she has been on a waiting list to get a prescription for over three years now! She actively wants someone with a medical degree involved in her care, but that’s literally immposible for her, despite her well paying job. It’s easy enough to say “don’t break the law” while ignoring the people harmed.

  • Fucking horseshit.

    These drugs aren’t dangerous, and for those that seek them it’s often life saving. This isn’t “illegal prescriptions” like oxy for a high that fuels drug trade. Seriously, there is no gain for humanity by making life MORE difficult for trans folk. Especially in the UK where the wait list for a prescription is literally YEARS long.

    It’s super duper disengenerous to call these illegal drug. Their medicine for people with gender dysphoria, and further restricting their access to it is nothing short of cruelty.

  • Body positivity" is garbage. People should be honest and support healthy lifestyles

    Feels like you are falling in to the same critism trap that catches “Pride” events, lots of people say that they can be proud of lots of things, not nessecarily an indentity or sexuality.

    But pride is more about not feeling shame for things you can’t control. Body positivity is about way more than overweight people, but being happy of who you are regardless of any stigma.

    It’s not my place to say people should like “short kings”, I truly couldnt care less about individuals liking or disliking a given term. I just feel your reasoning would be better built upon infantalizing without attacking people that are fidng zen outside of unfair cultural stigma.

  • inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    3 months ago

    🤣 😂

    Sorry if the quick comment I left on my phone while on the toilet wasn’t up to your standards, but since you aren’t actually contributing anything of substance I don’t see a reason to care what you think.

    Edit: Jesus your comment history is sad. Seems like you never can think of anything worthwhile to say. Stay mad I guess?

  • inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPronouns
    3 months ago

    It’s important to understand that Hank is specific to say “correct prounons” and not “preferred prounons”. We as creature of civilization have to right to control our place in that creation, so when someone misgenders, it’s not that they are nessecarily showing disrespect, but being factually wrong. It’s okay to state the wrong thing if you don’t know, but if you insist that only YOUR interpretation of another person is correct, even more so than how THEY THEMSELVES interpret themselves, then you have crossed the rubicon in to bigotry.

    To see another person on the street and think you have a better view of them than they do in a mirror is just wild levels of arrogance. They know themslevss far more than you ever will.

  • You haven’t explained anything I didn’t already know. Of course it’s not psychic nor 100% accurate to real life.

    The ai can’t magically reveal what’s actually under your clothes.

    But this is flat out bullshit and wildly disingenuous. You’re entirely ignoring the fact that when it’s posted that no one but the creator of the deepfake knows its fake. Everyone else just sees a nude. You are playing semantics while ignoring the actual harm.

    At this point, I just see you as a troll who isn’t interested in any sort of good faith discussion.