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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Imagine you are a machine. Yes, I know. But imagine you’re a different kind of machine, one built from metal and plastic and designed not by blind, haphazard natural selection but by engineers and astrophysicists with their eyes fixed firmly on specific goals. Imagine that your purpose is not to replicate, or even to survive, but to gather information. I can imagine that easily. It is in fact a much simpler impersonation than the kind I’m usually called on to perform. I coast through the abyss on the colder side of Neptune’s orbit. Most of the time I exist only as an absence, to any observer on the visible spectrum: a moving, asymmetrical silhouette blocking the stars. But occasionally, during my slow endless spin, I glint with dim hints of reflected starlight. If you catch me in those moments you might infer something of my true nature: a segmented creature with foil skin, bristling with joints and dishes and spindly antennae. Here and there a whisper of accumulated frost clings to a joint or seam, some frozen wisp of gas encountered in Jupiter space perhaps. Elsewhere I carry the microscopic corpses of Earthly bacteria who thrived with carefree abandon on the skins of space stations or the benign lunar surface—but who had gone to crystal at only half my present distance from the sun. Now, a breath away from Absolute Zero, they might shatter at a photon’s touch. My heart is warm, at least. A tiny nuclear fire burns in my thorax, leaves me indifferent to the cold outside. It won’t go out for a thousand years, barring some catastrophic accident; for a thousand years, I will listen for faint voices from Mission Control and do everything they tell me to. So far they have told me to study comets. Every instruction I have ever received has been a precise and unambiguous elaboration on that one overriding reason for my existence.

    -Peter Watts, Blindsight

  • So, literally every game I’ve bought on steam is playable on my Manjaro box.

    Additionally, a recent KDE6 upgrade messed up my config and necessitated a full system reinstall. After remounting the partition where my steam games were installed on in the old sys, they…just worked. Even the ones that don’t cloud sync, saved games all there, DLC all there.

    I don’t know how long reinstalling ~1TB of games would take on windows… a lot? Pretty sure you have to fully reinstall them, not just “point steam to the drive where they live”

    Frankly I just don’t see why people tolerate windows anymore. It’s just laughably bad.

  • No, I have been using some form of Linux at home and at work since then too. I distro hopped for many years until one of my coworkers showed me Arch. Oldest story in the book right? I eventually ended up on Manjaro after a drive failure and the need to get something arch-based up fast.

    To the substance of your point: no question that the internet was rougher around the edges too though in the early aughts right? Does you want an ActiveX or an ObjectEmbed? Let me load my 2000+ line navigator.appName giant if-then config for my site. Or how about when it was all tables and shim.gif and img tags with width and height. Good times.

    There were plenty of these problems between browsers on just one OS. Or even versions of IE. I still see the rows of testing machines in my dreams sometimes, each with a slightly different version of XP and IE. 5.1, 5.5, 6. Ugh. Or how about the early days of flexbox when it was 7s turn.

    Chrome wasn’t even a thing until 2008 iirc, but that was also post safari-shaking-things-up too. And safari was from WebKit, and WebKit was from who? KHTML baby. (The K is for KDE.)

    TLDR you’re right, but I don’t feel like it is, or ever was just Linux based OS’s being targeted so much as bifurcation of standards, or just lack of all the relevant parties (like the W3C and browser makers) sitting down and establishing those standards. It’s also a chicken and egg thing with tech too.

    None of that is to say it never happened though, I’m just skeptical it was ever at any meaningful scale.