• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • That’s what we’re using now and where quite some problems come from. I don’t have anything against it, it’s awesome suite for personal use, but running it in company we constantly run into problems with compatibility. Every partner we’re dealing with is using MS Office and when they’re exchanging spreadsheets or documents with us it’s often pain in the a*s to make it work. And MS is not helping in this…

  • I haven’t tried, but given how quirky it is (in house development decades ago with patches and hotfixes stuck to it over years) I highly doubt it would work. The main problem is that there’s no will to use Linux in office environment…

    We’re at least running it on POS machines - about 150 openSUSE installs - where there’s nothing fancy needed.

  • It’s small grocery store chain in the middle of European nowhere, with about hundred of stores run mostly in small villages. Some of those ancient software was made in-house decades ago for internal ordering from wholesaler (also run by the company) to individual shops. Everything in wholesale warehouse runs on the same DOS thing too, with stock inventory, invoice, ordering, … There’s already plan to (finally!!) put it to sleep and replace with something newer and more flexible, but given how low on resources and manpower the company is, it’s not going to happen fast.

  • Thanks for deep reply. I’ll chew through it.

    Documentation is non-existent now and that’s what bothers me the most. I, at least, started to put my agenda and acquired how-tos to plain txt files for future, because with so much shit going on I tend to forget stuff. I’d like to extend it and make it system-wide to cover all the IT related stuff in the company with some proper software to do it in (no idea which). But there’s virtually no way this lack of documentation will change dramatically anytime soon. There’s simply no will from higher ups and even if there was, there would be no manpower to do it :-( We’re barely holding things running.

  • There are multitude of OS & software in running. Some people still use DOS, but most of those were already upgraded - to windows XP. These machines are currently being replaced with Win10 ones. But due to some specific old SW there still need to be some DOS machines running, at least for couple upcoming years. Linux is sadly not an option for typical office workers, again due to some software in use. There’s at least open source in places where possible with more (Firefox, Thunderbird, tightVNC, …) or less (LibreOffice) success.