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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • You are totally right AND He’s making a valid point with his sarcastic joke of “shut up, nerd!”

    “Nobody cares” means companies dont want to spend money to incorporate it if there’s no demand from consumers.

    Most consumers have no idea what a jpeg even is.

    It won’t be until Apple or someone brands it as an iPeg and claims you have a smol pp if your device doesn’t have it that folks will notice.

    Im reminded of telling folks about shoutcasts and nobody cared. Then apple comes out with podcasts and everyone was suddenly excited about 8 year old streaming tech

  • I second this.

    I have a nextcloud instance on pi4 for personal use and love it.

    It’s not good for live transcoding of video, but works great for calendars, file sharing, photo sharing and music streaming.

    I have a 500 gig SSD for most stuff and a 6TB HDD for backups and archiving.

    I use docker compose to map a folder called archive in my instance to the HDD.

  • Which norms and why?

    Breaking free from societal norms because they are norms will not get you anywhere.

    Wearing a shirt that says Fuck you and being a glum dick about everything wont win you friends or convert anyone to your cause.

    Being approachable and listening to others in order to connect with them as a human… Then when they ask if you want to hail satan as is the norm and you say no, my friend, for I only praise the Sun. They may be more inclined to see some sun followers as not total assholes as they pray to our dark lord

    Itf youre in a situation for it, it can be fun to move to a placewhenre others choose a different societal norm more in line with your own ideals. Like Florida, where some child labor laws were repealed… Take that societal norm

  • That is definitely where the corporations are trying to push everyone, but that has nothing to do with electric powertrain cars and everything to do with capitalism powered enshittification.

    I do know one person that uses their fairphone to access their self-hosted services on their raspberry pi and uses their Linux daily driver to make money and browse the web.

    They also encourage people to reject surveillence capitalism, to do what they can for our ecosystem and to join the fediverse to help stop the slide into the new feudalism.

    “It’s all nothing until it’s everything. Starting where I am, doing what I can.” -Knower

  • You make an excellent point!

    I expect electric will soon be much cheaper than gas cars. Battery prices are still falling, despite the demand outpacing supply. Lithium refineries and mines are in the works and should be online in 5 years.

    More importantly, electric cars are much simpler than gas cars. Anyone saying otherwise has no appreciation for the genius behind modern motors, transmissions, traction control and exhaust systems. There are an order of magnitude the number of moving parts in a combustion engine than an electric motor.

    The price is higher because of the still-young supply chain for batteries and the infantile production lines for EVs.