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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I’m not as savvy at tech as many folk in this here platform, but I was knowledgeable in Napster and limewire in my early teens. A dabble of DOS 3.0 when I was in k-5. I thank you for letting me believe that counts for anything at all.

    I log in to different computers at work. About half have updated to windows 11. I don’t know why only half. I’m not IT.

    I miss XP to this day. The cosmetic features aren’t useful to me because I grew up with alt+tab and such. I can adapt. I bet there are reasons - but for me at work, it’s just a minor inconvenience in creating new “muscle memory”

    I still miss xp

    Edit- just give me my start menu bqck

  • I agree with your point - they’ll hold on to all data bc it’ll be useful in some context some day.

    But as a ~40 y.o. U.S. citizen, I also share the previous viewpoint. My economic outlook has been downgraded several times due to external political factors and I’m (internally, at least) jaded and cynical as all hell. The best uses of my personal data would be to steal my loose ~$200 or to jail me and profit off my slave labor.

    I still use privacy apps to mitigate unpleasant surprises and am against mass surveillance in all forms, but fuck the bottom feeders at the top of the economic food chain. I hope they are supremely bored when sifting through my bland porn tastes, i.e. - “boobies”.