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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • mbryson@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlVLC Player
    1 month ago

    My only comment is I was surprised my work - which uses Windows and has closed source software exclusively - has VLC installed on all workstations and even as the default media player as well. It’s a testament to how ubiquitous and approachable VLC is to be included in such a fashion over just Windows Media Player or some other form.

  • mbryson@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlWindows is hell, i need to do something
    2 months ago

    I heard about this new company called Linux

    I thought it was funny at least, so you gave me a good laugh.

    I’d say Linux Mint or Ubuntu (you’re familiar with this one) would be good “Out of the Box” options. They run an environment known as “Debian” so they’re super similar and are pretty similar to what Windows offers in all honesty. You just burn them to a USB, run them from your desired computer’s BIOS, and the rest is through a GUI interface you can follow along with. I have no experience with a touchscreen as I’m running Linux Mint XFCE (lightest weight version) on a laptop from the early 2010’s with an Intel N2820 in it, but I’m assuming some workaround can exist to implement that. You also seem somewhat familiar with the alternative programs for different purposes, but rest assured both Ubuntu and Mint come with file explorers (Mint XFCE uses one called Thunar which is pretty effective) and you can easily swap out/install a different file manager to get jobs done as needed.

    Plus - any programs you used with Windows which may not have Linux alternatives or versions - can be run through Wine. I’ve encountered a few hiccups when doing this (like a program I needed for school which was unable to pass the initial installation and actually run the program).

    I’ve run Linux Mint XFCE as my daily driver for work and school tasks on my laptop for about 2-3 years at this point and it’s been pretty great. Full disclosure: I still run Windows 11 on my main PC at home and have Windows 10 on a HTPC/Server with docker on it (though I’ve been debating switching to Ubuntu for this as well) so I still know there are benefits to a Windows system (while working to remove any and all advertising and AI garbage) but if I were to recommend someone a distro it would be as I’ve said above.

    Good luck! Hope you find one that works for you!

  • I’m all in if something like Peertube gets adopted more fully, but given the sheer amount of space YouTube takes up it seems unlikely to be at the stage it is currently with a provider like Google.

    For my own usage: I could substitute background noise with music (either through another provider like Spotify or locally hosting the music and streaming it with Jellyfin), and then more long form content could be done with other providers (Netflix, Disney+, or renting from Google lol) or again using DVD’s or locally hosted videos, but it would certainly be a challenge and I’d miss a lot of the content.

  • As much as Reddit has done wrong (hence me being here as a part of the migration) one thing I always liked was the mention of “remember the human”. This isn’t a network of bots, but actual individual people interacting and - in the case of this article - creating the things you are utilizing. Jerboa has a weird issue where if I hit “back” on what I think should be a sub screen to “home” as the main page of the app, I instead leave the app entirely. Does this mean I am warranted to passive aggressively - or even with well intentions - tag the developer on mastodon to request a fix? No. That’s what support requests are for.

    I think people with the advent of the internet and the ease of communication over text have forgotten empathy with those alongside them on the internet. We need to refocus the way we communicate on these platforms - federated or not - to respect the opinions and thoughts of those around us. (Not necessarily agree, but respect.) I also like the proposed idea of the support line for developers of federated tech and sites, as it may provide alleviation for the stress sudden large influxes of users can cause on often one person teams acting as Atlas and holding these instances and servers up for their userbase.

    TL;DR: Everybody Love Everybody.

  • A lot of people have already talked about the onboarding/installation experience, so I’ll just chime in and say a lot of new users are unfamiliar with using a terminal for commands and instead favour a GUI experience solely for their tasks. Most modern and commercially appealing distros are moving in this direction (ie applications running the same terminal commands in the background with an easy to understand UI at the front) but I’d still say the community’s insistence on terminal over all other forms of executing a command may be a turn off for the layman trying it for the first time after Windows and MacOS.

    Almost makes me think it would be more ideal to reduce the stigma associated with executing commands in the terminal and find some way to get people more comfortable with using it, both via Linux and also CMD for Windows as well.

  • I’d like to learn more about how to do this. I’ve got a home theater PC I’ve been using as a NAS via simple windows & samba file sharing, but I’d like to expand that to tools like Jellyfin and potentially something like writefreely or a podcasting platform for others to enjoy. I’ve looked it up cursorily but would appreciate if you could share additional resources my way in developing my own server here as well. (All good if you don’t have any to share, I can just google as well I suppose)

  • Honestly? My old laptop was having issues (not major but not ideal in terms of overall performance) running Windows 10 and it inspired me to try out a few distros. I later learned after trying a few:

    • Overall Linux isn’t scary at all, with an abundance of tutorials and documentation provided. (Just be aware of trying not to solve all problems with random hammers, or rather using any tutorial to fix the symptoms you’re having)
    • In terms of customization it’s second to none. Privacy wise has been well documented, but even aesthetically via the UI you have a ton of options. (Plug for unixporn@lemmy.ml for some inspiration.)
    • Finally it’s nice just to tinker with Linux as a project. There’s only so much you can do with Windows or MacOS, while Linux is open and allows for a variety of programs, tools, and more. It allows you to get more comfortable with your computer and by extension more comfortable with technology in general!

  • The big thing with any Reddit alternative is what kind of community is migrating over there. A lot of controversies Reddit has had in the past have centered around vocally discriminatory communities migrating to a new platform after Reddit has decided their content does not align with their views and goals as a company.

    Fatpeoplehate, the_donald, probably jailbait I imagine (though before my time on the site thankfully).

    The one exception I would say would be the uncerwmonious firing of Victoria from AMA which caused an uproar and led to AMA’s never really feeling the same. I didn’t think about leaving then, but I understood the anger and concept of reddit slowly losing its identity in favour of a more corporate one. Ironically Reddit’s latest decision has led to AMA opening the flood gates to anyone and everyone, giving a more genuine feel to the community.

    Now 3rd party apps being shut down (although revanced provides an alternative) has caused a general consensus it’s time to leave, fragmenting communities into different websites and platforms. I’ve encountered some hostility and opinions I personally disagree with on Lemmy, but overall the generalized community here is a good replacement, over a displeased and spiteful group that would fixate on one specific person or upset over one specific group of people. Perhaps thats just the nature of the fediverse overall where - if an admin of lemmy.ca decides to make us a proudboys affiliated network - I can just go elsewhere.

    TL;DR Lemmy is all I need. It’s not voat, it can federate with kbin fine, and it’s open allowing anyone and everyone to have their say. I like Lemmy!

  • Destiny 2.

    Incredibly engaging loop, great gunplay/moment to moment gameplay, and an intriguing story that keeps me interested to see what will happen next.

    Loaded with micro (and macro) transactions and time gating of reused content as the game approaches it’s conclusion and Bungie prepares it’s next project for launch (this project also highlighting the poor state the PvP section of the game is in.).

    Again, so much of my time has been spent in Destiny 2 and a good majority of it I’ve personally enjoyed. But when asked this question it’s my go-to answer to advise people to steer clear if possible.

  • It’ll be hard to get people to not only detach from something they’re accustomed to, but also then attach to something unfamiliar.

    I tried and am trying again with Mastodon, but a lack of users I wish to follow, a more confusing premise at times, and just overall more enjoyment overall (if that) with twitter as a platform makes it a challenge.

    Lemmy however has checked all the boxes. It literally feels exactly like Reddit, and honestly like a fresh start to avoid the various decisions both Reddit admins and the community itself made along the way. I’m hoping more for the latter experience than forming when diving into the fediverse, but my above statement is most likely applicable for a wide sample of people out there.