• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • The 2 principles I stick to are.

    1. Job hunting is a numbers game, just like any sales job. Don’t take rejection personally, just move on to the next one.
    2. Don’t get excited about a job until you have a signed contract. Just apply / interview, and forget about it until the next stage happens.

    Number 2 is hard to do sometimes, but worth doing whenever possible.

  • I did this years ago. I had read a bunch of scare stories about Google cutting people off from their Gmail accounts and having no path to appeal.

    I setup a domain name that is just my full name .com and used a mail service like proton or titan mail. I setup a few accounts (shopping@, work@, games@, myname@, me@) and gave them aliases, for example Shopping has paypal@ and Amazon@.

    It is extremely unlikely anyone will want my domain name, so if my mail provider closes down or kicks me out I can just find another and repoint my DNS records to the new one.

    I recently had issues with my DNS registrar primary servers going down, and titan mail was costing more than I liked when the renewal came up, so I’ve now moved to porkbun and mxroute and I’m very happy.

  • Places of religious worship and formal teaching (e.g. churches, and Sunday schools) should be treated like bars and porn. You need to be an adult to access bars and porn because children do not fully understand what is happening or the consequences of being there. Churches (etc) are the same and there should be a legal age limit.

    It should also be socially unacceptable to talk about religious opinions in front of kids, just like most people don’t swear or talk dirty, etc.

    I agree with schools teaching kids “about” religions, just like sex and drugs. Teaching facts is good, preaching (aka indoctrination) is not.

  • (Edited for clarity) This was interesting. It gave me arandr to generate a script which is great for lazy me. That script “works” in that it doesn’t give any errors when I test it, but it actually doesn’t have any effect on the login screen. In fact with more digging i discovered that xrandr just doesn’t work at all. I tried setting the display to a lower resolution (default is 3440x1440 so I used 1920x1080) in the control panel to test the xrandr command but xrandr tells me the mode (3440x1440) is not found. I looked again in xrandr and saw that any resolution higher 1920x1080 is not listed any more. I reset the resolution back to 3440x1440 in the control panel then looked in xrandr again and all the expected resolutions are listed again.

    xrandr errors when I try to set my display to anything other than the setting it is currently using. Either I’m don’t something stupid with the syntax (99.999% confident I’m doing it right), or xrandr is broken with my setup. Maybe kde plasma 6 and wayland is giving me grief here? My PC has an AMD 7900XT GPU, so maybe it just doesn’t like my GPU for some reason.

    Here is the output from xrandr for my current settings:

    DP-1 connected primary 3440x1440+0+1080 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 800mm x 330mm
    HDMI-A-1 connected 1920x1080+758+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 520mm x 290mm

    Here are the commands I’m using in the Xsetup script.

    xrandr --output HDMI-A-1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 758x0 --rotate normal
    xrandr --output DP-1 --primary --mode 3440x1440 --pos 0x1080 --rotate normal