OOT is objectively bad in hindsight, despite having played it like 20 times myself because of the place it holds in my memory as being something I’d never experienced before. Here’s the argument: https://youtu.be/XOC3vixnj_0?si=xnuSdmY942tBQGpp
FF7 has its flaws but IMO is a better designed game
You’re correct on all fronts, but I guess what I would point out is that those design elements were a staple of the FF franchise long before 7. It was another turn based strategy role playing game in a series of turn based strategy role playing games. With OOT you had a real time action adventure franchise with a game using design elements you’d expect from…well, from a turn based strategy role playing game xD
That’s where I have issues with OOT in hindsight. It stumbled in executing on its own self-image, whereas FF7 did a better of job of understanding itself