• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I don’t have experience with Twitter or Mastodon but it reminds me of time when I quit drinking.

    When I quit drinking and tried to stay around people I used to drink with, I realized really fast how pointless this “engagement” (really just two people speaking past each other, and feeling like they have deep conversation) is. It’s almost insulting what a waste of effort such an “engagement” can be.

  • Why? Why ask for this from the creator?

    If someone can create new software and offer it for free, they should not also be expected to also create a comprehensive analysis of what other people did and list of differences.

    Just take it or leave it, it’s that simple. No need to act as if you’re trying to waste some door-to-door salesman’s time.

    Edit: I expected some downvotes but not that many.

    To my defense, the question in this thread is “you could elaborate what exactly you did different than all the others”. Look, I’m not a native English speaker either but I feel we could agree that is still pretty far away from simply being curious about design choices or “what led you to create this” sort of exploratory question.

    I might have overreacted, though, so sorry for that.

  • We can all get smart and snarky about “average persons” but then again, who says the OP was for average person.

    Your “average” person is not even on Reddit, let alone Lemmy, and if by chance they stumble along they are probably not clicking posts like this.

    So when you stop laughing from “hilarious disconnected Linux folks”, maybe sleep on it, then try thinking about this.

    In context of this community and this thread, no, Linux is not all that horrible compared to Windows.

  • Then again, it’s not about Linux, it’s just about your-favorite-few-click-program not being available for Linux.

    There’s nothing technically preventing Adobe from making Reader & Acrobat for Linux (they actually used to, around 2007 I even worked in a L10N company and we tested it.) It’s just a business decision.

    Once you start asking questions of why eg. Photoshop is not on Linux while eg. Firefox, VLC or GIMP are on all platforms, you will learn stuff about the world, which has little to do with Linux per se.

  • I was unclear: I did not mean to imply that it will work with it.

    It’s OT, but I’ll clarify since it might be useful for people who find Bash cryptic.

    Thing is, roughly speaking:

    • eval will evaluate its first argument as Bash code
    • eval "$(any_command really)" will run run any_command really, take its output and then use it as first argument for eval. So the assumption is that any_command really must output a valid Bash code snippet.

    So what eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" really means is, "run ssh-agent -s, collect the output and run it right here, where we are calling eval. Compare to ssh-agent -s | bash – this would also run ssh-agent output but it would run it in a new process–a child process of the current process—so the whatever the snippet would be, it would have no way of affecting state of the parent program, which is why it’s safer.

    Aside: The reason we need eval in this case is that we actually need to affect state of the program: that’s the whole point. We need to set several environment variables to values that ssh-agent “knows”. Without eval we would have to “ask” ssh-agent separately for each value (I’m assuming it’s not even supported) and then set all these envvars using eg. export keyword. Using eval we let ssh-agent dictate the whole process: which variables are going to be set to what values, with the caveat that if compromised, it could do “evil” stuff like setting PATH to override common commands with compromised code. etc.

    So what’s the problem with the quotes? The Shell syntax, foo "$(bar baz)" will make sure that the thing between quotes is

    • kept verbatim
    • treated as a single argument, even if it contains newlines (with some ugly exceptions to this regarding the final newline)

    Now without quotes, Bash (as well as POSIX shell) actually have several things they can do with the output (read man bash for full list, but keep it for a long rainy evening). Some of it involves substituting eg. values like * with matching filenames, some of it may involve actually splitting the output to separate arguments based on spaces or other special characters (which can even be different characters depending on current state, see IFS and the likes).

    You can see the difference, if you run eg. printf '[%s]\n' instead of eval. This printf syntax will simply print all of following arguments on a separate line, adding braces before and after. You can compare

    printf '|%s|\n' $(ssh-agent -s)      # printf will probably receive multiple extra arguments
    printf '|%s|\n' "$(ssh-agent -s)"    # printf will receive just one extra argument (and print it as specified)

    (both of these commands should be safe as long as ssh-agent is not compromised and as long I have not made any terrible typo)

  • Even in areas where they would fit it’s really annoying how some companies are trying to push it down our throats.

    It’s always some obnoxious UI element, screaming at me their 3 example questions, and I always sigh and think, “I have to assume you can only answer these 3 particular questions, and why would I ask those questions, and when I ask UI questions I expect precise answers so would I want to use AI for that.”

    I have no doubt that LLM’s have more uses than I can think of, but come on…

    I’m happy for studies like this. People who are trying to smear their AI all over our faces need to calm, the f…k, down.

  • I can’t think of a game right now that I would want to play so much that I would be willing to install Windows.

    Oh, I actually can. Gnomoria. Which is like 10 years old, unfinished (pretty much playable, though) but AWESOME indie , dwar-fortress-inspired colony sim, does technically have Linux build, but the Linux build has a horrible bug where it corrupts your save after getting to a certain advanced point in the game. For that one, my dear beloved Gnomoria, I actually ended up installing Windows 10 in a KVM a year or so ago :-D.

  • I guess I understand.

    For myself, though, not being a big fan of FPS/RTS games, basically anything I play is fine as long as it’s around 30 and most of it is 10+ years old and/or indie game… I’m pretty much in the phase when if the game does not work on my OS (which is barely the case), the game has to go.

    It’s rarely the case for me though, last time I really did that was like 7 years ago with Doom 3: I haven’t realized that it’s Windows-only so I ended up asking for money back on Steam. Nowadays, with Steam Deck & Proton it’s not a problem; I actually got Doom 3 on Steam again, and I can play it just fine. (Well, “fine” with the exception that the monsters are scary so I’m scared, but the game is fine!)

    I’m not posting this to feel smug, cos I’m not. It’s 100% legit to want your games to look and feel awesome, you deserve that.

    I’m posting it just as a flag, that for people with far less demanding taste, Linux is just fine. I can’t think of a game right now that I would want to play so much that I would be willing to install Windows.

  • free & open source model is superior to proprietary, especially for users, and for long term. (funding the dev part is a crazy hard problem, to be fair, but that’s true for anything that should benefit users, including roads and health care)

    but the point was that the “people still dumb” take assumes that Linux users are superior, which is a bunch of childish BS of course (wasn’t probably even meant seriously)

  • I’m no business man (far from that), but 1% sounds like more than 0. (Technically, 1% also tells us nothing about how much money that is.)

    Also, “1% of users” is one way of looking at it, but if it’s killing 1 of 3 major platforms does not seem like a good default strategic move. Things can change (and are changing) so next time MS does something to f* with their users, I think it can be a good move to be on the user’s side, not a major OS’s side. (And I don’t know anything about laser-cutting communities, but I would guess it has more than average share of creative and tech-savvy people who also like (or need) to have good control of their tech – I mean, this ain’t no spreadsheet app.)

    Again, I have no idea what it takes to make laser-cutting SW work, but simple short-sighted common sense seems like a poor excuse.

    I have no horse in this race (I barely know what laser-cutting is—I do know a bunch about rpm and deb packaging, FWIW) but I suppose the real reason is on the other side of the equation. But it seems they have to be doing something wrong for it to cost so much that they’re willing to go, shrug, and pull their foot back out of the door. (Or they really just thought about the simple maths, and someone felt smart and brave to have do the painful decision.)

    By the way, and this is 100% speculation, that “something” could have been an old dependency and/or architectural decision, so if your guess is right, there would probably be no better time to fix it than now.

  • I might be out of date but for a long time my 2 nephews (10 and 13, cousins to each other) have been playing Blox Fruits, which I understand is pretty much a standard “grind” MMORPG. (Which I don’t necessarily find that bad; having to put a lot of work in a character and seeing it grow slowly and steadily can be a lesson.) I like how they are having fun trying to coordinate and take out a boss together (sometimes dying all the time), but I suppose other games can give that, perhaps even better-looking ones and certainly ones made by less shady companies. (Oh, and actually working on Linux/steam deck)

    So I was wondering if there are other games that I could introduce them to, if only to remind them that world outside Roblox exists. I never played any MMORPG’s (or pretty much anything multi-player, except Minecraft/Terraria/etc. with the kids) so I’m out of the picture. I’ve only tried few in my life and never stuck for long.

    Albion Online seemed child-like enough, albeit a little boring for my taste. One I really enjoyed recently is Path of Exile (and I it looks more than good enough to be hard to resist for a kid), but who knows – is that safe for 10 to 13 year olds…?

  • the number of games in my library that won’t run on Linux is vanishingly small

    at this point, it’s pretty much only about Roblox.

    …which I don’t want to play, I’m not happy about my nephews playing, but that seems like the only big one which really continues to struggle on Windows.

    edit: that’s from my limited POV, as someone who loves gaming but i don’t follow or try out big new titles, I’m pretty much happy with my 30 favs, trying out like 5 new games a year, usually older or indie titles.