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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • The Librem 5 is a Linux phone that the reviewer tried to use as their daily driver for a week. However, they found several issues that made it impractical for regular use including poor battery life, a subpar camera without basic features, and lack of compatibility with many popular apps. The reviewer also noted problems with the phone randomly powering off and convergence mode with the next dock being unstable. While the reviewer thought the Librem 5 was a cool device, they ultimately decided it was not ready to replace their main phone due to these limitations and instability issues. The reviewer expressed interest in reviewing other Linux phones if provided to them.

  • Ai summary because it seems like folks aren’t reading the article:

    The study finds that threatening anti-piracy messages aimed at deterring digital piracy have the opposite effect on men, finding they increase piracy behaviors by 18% in men. However, such messages can reduce intended piracy in women by over 50%. The research also showed educational messages had no impact on intended piracy for both men and women. Notably, those with more favorable views of piracy saw even higher increases in intended piracy when exposed to threatening messages. The findings suggest anti-piracy groups should tailor their messages for different genders and consider alternative educational approaches to avoid unintended consequences like increasing piracy.

    Seems like threatening messages specifically drive piracy up in men, but not for women. If you have a favorable view on piracy then the aggressive ads make it more likely that you’ll follow through.

    It’s pretty much saying that the industry may want to reconsider the way they frame their warnings because it may actually be influencing people to take action.

  • I recently read that data collection/sale as an “edge service” has been a part of Toyota’s strategy for a hot minute.

    “You may not be surprised that a company like Toyota uses technology it installs in all the cars it sells in Japan to produce data that powers its onboard GPS service. You may be more interested to know that Toyota recognized that the value of this data was not uniquely associated with its primary use. As we will discover in chapter 8, this insight enabled Toyota to successfully launch a new business offering traffic telematics services to businesses and municipalities across Japan using the same data.”

    • Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth by Dan McKone

  • Shuji Nakamura was a researcher at Nichia who was determined to create the first blue LED, which had eluded scientists for decades. Through innovative crystal growth techniques and materials discoveries, he succeeded in developing bright blue and white LEDs in the early 1990s. This breakthrough enabled LEDs to be used for full-spectrum lighting. Nichia’s fortunes grew enormously as a result, though Nakamura was not properly compensated for his invention. Today, LEDs powered by Nakamura’s blue LED technology are ubiquitous and have brought enormous energy savings worldwide.

    Something interesting I found was that Nakamura persisted in his research for blue LEDs against the wishes of his company management, who saw it as a waste of resources. His stubbornness and belief in his work paid off by solving a problem that had stumped the electronics industry for 30 years.

  • I have a 40% ortholinear kb because it’s more ergonomic. My fingers are never have to travel more than 2 keys away from home row. There are enough built in layers that I never feel like I’m missing a key. All keys are remappable. Beyond that I think it looks neat - folks always ask about it when they see it. When using a mouse and keyboard, my arms are kept at a reasonable distance apart (overall hands are closer together), so I can work or game longer without feeling like my shoulders or back are strained.

  • ChatGPT user Chase Whiteside noticed that his account history contained private conversations that were not his own. These included login credentials and details from a pharmacy employee troubleshooting an application. OpenAI investigated and believes Whiteside’s account was compromised by an external group accessing a pool of identities. This underscores the lack of security features on ChatGPT like two-factor authentication. Previous incidents have shown ChatGPT can also divulge private information if included in its training data. An interesting aspect was the candid language used by the pharmacy employee to express frustration with the poor security of the application they were troubleshooting. This highlighted the risk of including private details in conversations with AI systems.

  • No it’s a good question. It would support playing the flac, but the power output on these players (like the m15s) is way higher than what you’d get from a $2-300 phone. Additionally, the 2.5 and 4.4mm ports are balanced outputs, which you’re probably not going to get from a cheaper phone. The cheaper phone also likely won’t support LDAC blue tooth.

    It’s that this device is more specialized towards rendering high quality audio and has the power output to drive demanding headphones that require a lot of juice to drive. The separation of instruments is more noticeable and you can crank up the volume extremely loud and there is no distortion to the audio, which is nice for parties.

    The device I use daily also has a battery bypass function that enables “ultra high gain”, so when I’m at home and want to drive my bookshelf speakers, I can turn the gain way up and feed the signal into another amp (using the fiio as a pre-amp to push more power to the amp). That way I’m not impacting the life of the battery in the audio player. The volume would be limited using a phone.

    Edit: I fully acknowledged that the m15s is expensive, even on sale. I love listening to lossless music, travel regularly for work, and like spoiling myself with a high quality, portable setup. I use the player in my car, for get togethers, and while mowing the lawn. I’ve been very happy with the purchase and use the player daily. Enough power to drive my 660s and Shure 846 iems.

  • Yes the players support lossless/flac and LDAC blue tooth codecs. I have foobar loaded onto the android player. I also use Qobuz/Roon. I like the auto playlists that roon generates and I can control different zones in the house with different Roon endpoints. I like qobuz for the detailed write ups and I can download high res files so they’re available offline.

    The m15s was on sale for a bit at apos.audio. I got it because I liked the options to bypass battery /increase gain when plugged in. Also has 3 different output options -2.5mm, 3.5mm, and 4.4mm

    I also have the device that only functions as a blue tooth player, which is nice in the car.

    Glad to answer any other questions you’ve got.