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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023

  • Idk (I’m not op) but I think when people say “can I install Linux on this” everyone knows they mean gnu/Linux. Yes, if I’m picking a container base image obviously alpine is also Linux, and if we’re talking about kernels then Android is too. But if we’re talking about desktop OSes then I think it’s close enough.

  • I agree with all of that, there’s no need to claim that I’d prefer people “shut up”. Yes, things will keep getting worse, probably for quite a while. Probably a serious percentage of people will die avoidable deaths. But I sincerely doubt society will crumble. It’s been through worse. Society didn’t crumble in the black plague, when two thirds of the population died a horrible death. It will be a shittier life than we were used to last century, but not the apocalypse, and people will still grow old, and need to retire.

  • I thought it was about having some browser extension that clicks ads on sites without showing the ads to the user. Like a kind of “best of both worlds” for adblocking. So if it’s some blog they read often the ad revenue is probably more like $1 per year.

    If you were to use Facebook they can make money off your views even without clicks, just not as much.

  • Far from true depending on where OP lives. High profile sites (e.g. mainstream social media or streaming) can make $ 5-15 USD per user per month if that user is in favourable demographic (mainly living in a rich country, US or EU). A blog without registration will make way less than that, obviously people are viewing way less ads there than sites they stay on for hours, but it’s still much more than $1 per lifetime.

    Google pays as much as 2c per page view for North American viewers in some categories (but realistically more like 0.5c). So $1 is good for a few hundred page views.