And then there’s the installation options that look and behave exactly like a regularly themed Qt application (which it probably is). Wonderful!
Okay, I’m coming from Gentoo and Debian, cut me some slack, I’m easy to please regarding installers :-P
Install Gentoo
And then there’s the installation options that look and behave exactly like a regularly themed Qt application (which it probably is). Wonderful!
Okay, I’m coming from Gentoo and Debian, cut me some slack, I’m easy to please regarding installers :-P
Maybe you should actually have read OP’s post.
In the vast overwhelming amount of cases tooltips show additional information that you cannot see from clicking on something or provide an explanation to an option that isn’t available without scrounging through a manual. None of those apply here.
In current versions of Firefox you hover your mouse over a non-active tab […] to see (after a small delay) a tooltip containing the web page title.
Uh… what is the point of that? If I am looking for a specific tab then:
This sounds like a “cool” feature that’s looking for an actual problem to solve.
dpkg-reconfigure sysvinit
I don’t remember what I was trying to achieve, but it was a bad idea. I also didn’t (and still don’t) know how to fix the outcome of this, so - since my home was on a separate partition anyway - I just reinstalled Debian since that was much quicker anyway.
Und dann installiert man sich MS-Office und die ersten 600 MB sind schon verbraten…
Wär schon ganz geil gewesen, wenn die Seite auch gesagt hätte, was man mit dem 5700G so für Frameraten in CP2077 erreichen kann. Damit man halt irgendwie eine Referenz hat. Kommen wir von 20 auf 60 oder doch nur von 6 auf cinematische 18 fps?
That something entirely different than the protocol being biased towards Linux. It’s like complaining that TCP/IP is biased towards Linux because the Linux kernel’s networking module can’t be used in BSD kernels.
A crash in the window manager takes down all running applications: Yes, because the compositor IS the server, window manager AND compositor at the same time.
Maybe not anymore in the future:
Wayland is biased towards Linux and breaks BSD
FreeBSD already has working Wayland compositors by the way.
X11 and Wayland are just protocols. These protocols are used to abstract the window drawing from the actual hardware and runtime environment as much as reasonably possible - because nobody wants to maintain 3215 versions of their app for different runtime environments. So in order to be shown on the screen an app needs to implement either the X11 or the Wayland protocol (or both!).
The piece of software that is on the other side depends on whether the app is using X11 or Wayland. For the sake of simplicity let’s assume that the app does only support one of those. If the app supports Wayland then it will try to connect to a Wayland compositor. The compositor implements every part of the protocol and makes sure that the window is rendered on the screen and that user input is forwarded to the app. If the app supports X11 then it will try to connect to a X server and take the role of an X client. This is (on Linux, essentially) always*. also implements every part of the protocol and makes sure that the window is rendered on the screen and that user input is forwarded to the app.
* Unless you’re running a Wayland compositor, then it will connect to XWayland which passes through the window to your compositor.
Wayland compositors have full control over the apps while the abilities of apps are purposefully restricted.
A window manager is just another regular, boring, old X client connecting to the X server. It doesn’t actually abstract anything. It can move windows because the X11 protocol allows it to, but any other X client could just as well move all other windows around, read all user input to all other windows and even move the mouse around as it pleases.
So, to be specific, there is no mouse pointer bug in Virtualbox while using Wayland. There is a mouse pointer bug affecting specific Wayland compositors, likely because they enforce GPU hardware acceleration that is lacking in either your VM or the Linux kernel because of missing drivers. Try using a different compositor, (re)installing Virtualbox Guest Additions with the correct version on the guest system and/or check whether hardware acceleration is enabled for the VM and has enough video memory.
Thank you for explaining what Wayland really is: a protocol. I see way too many people in forums going “Wayland constantly crashes” or “this doesn’t work with Wayland” but what they actually mean is that their compositor of choice crashes or lacks a feature. There are a few things that Wayland doesn’t support (like multiple-main-window-apps that want to put their children relative to each other (i.e. multi-window Gimp)), but that’s usually not what’s being discussed.
But please allow me to correct you on a few details:
is commonly available as a shortcut to start the main X server installation though.far more efficient than with X11
In theory. The issue is that, at this point in time, the vast majority of software that actually needs this efficiency (read: video games) run on XWayland, which adds a bit of overhead which ultimately causes them to run slightly slower on Wayland compositors compared to Maybe this will change at some point as devs patch their native games to check for a Wayland compositor by default and the big set of Wayland-support-patches makes its way into wine (and hopefully proton).
X12 actually exists. That said, it never went further than an extremely rough draft and was abandoned at some point, ultimately in favor of Wayland.
Wer finanziert schon den Bau von MFHs, wenn nicht langfristig damit Rendite erwirtschaftet werden kann? Auch Wohnungsbaugesellschaften müssen irgendwann zwingend einen Break-Even erreichen, um das Risiko der Bewohner zu verringern. Das Bauen (ob nun allein oder als WBG) muss prinzipbedingt langfristig immer günstiger sein als das Mieten - wenn es anders ist, dann kann das nur ein temporärer Effekt sein, irgendwann schnappt das Gummiband dann zurück.
Es muss dringend viel günstige Bauflächen geschaffen und notfallsweise die Quadratmeterpreise auch beim Privatverkauf gedeckelt werden, sonst sieht es für Mieter extrem schlecht aus. Letzteres f*ckt zwar Spekulanten, aber da bin ich persönlich nicht so traurig drum.
I don’t know about the creators of this project, but in general: So that they can use the stuff in their closed source applications while finding enough contributors to write software for them for free.
Nein ist es nicht. Wenn du nicht gerade eine Möhre mit 20 PS und einen extrem präzisen Fuß hast, dann kann man bei leichtem Bergab schnell mal so einige km/h zu schnell werden. Schließlich muss man beim Autofahren, insbesondere innerorts, auch noch auf viele andere Dinge achten als die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit.
Und dann bitte noch Strafen proportional zum Einkommen des Fahrers wie in Finnland.
Das wäre generell fein, aber dafür müssten wohl sehr grundlegende Gesetze geändert und alles andere angepasst werden. Selbst wenn man das möchte, dann würde der Prozess Jahre dauern.
25% über dem erlaubten wäre so meine Idee
Die aktuelle Regelung (3 km/h bzw. % bei festen Anlagen, 5 km/h bzw. % bei Mobilen) ist ohne Tempomat oft zu leicht versehentlich zu erreichen, aber bei Tempo 50 ungestraft bis 62,5 km/h fahren zu können finde ich schon ein bisschen viel.
Ja, ein “richtiger” Soldat hätte da wohl auch die Füße still gehalten. Aber das waren halt Reservisten, da kann man echt gar nichts erwarten. Erschreckend, dass die anscheinend überhaupt alleine (ohne (Unter-)Offizier) bewaffnet rumlaufen dürfen…
nichts, vor dem man sich fürchten müsste
Heise schwimmt auf der Maimai-Welle!
Have a separate home partition and just keep using it across distributions?
This should work on Jolla’s Sailfish OS phones as they’re running a legit Android in a sandbox. Unfortunately their hardware support is pretty abysmal if you want all features working - and since it’s legit Android it’s also not free (monetary) and Sailfish OS’s UI toolkit is also not free (freedom).
edit: also, last time I checked, Bluetooth support for Android apps is terrible, basically only audio work(s|ed).