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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • was too incompetent to install arch one time so i used archinstaller and created a separate home partition. couple years later that root partiton’s close to filled up, and i do an update after deleting come programs to free up space. then some weird text appeaerrs in terminal, and so i try to update again (this time specifically wine), says loads of files already exist in filesystem. i think “this is weird”, so i restart.

    what instantly gets my attention is this text greeting me on boot

    loading Linux linux… error: file ‘/vmlinuz-linux’ not found. Loading initial ramdisk… error: you need to load the kernel first.

    Press any key to continue.

    yup, i just borked my install, so i hastily whipped out an outdated arch USB, updated it using a spare laptop and am now on a reinstall (luckily i keep the important files on a separate drive, so not all is lost). extra insult to injury was that my previous install had my drive LUKS encrypted, so i couldn’t evne get in there to possibly backup anything if i tried lol. but it’s feels refreshing starting anew though.

  • ye first time i heard about brave was in a sponsor segment on a youtube video, my first thoughts were “lol another chromium browser? rewards? bar? ok this seems shady as hell” and sure enough it is indeed shady af. the Tor mode had DNS leaks way back (besides who in their right mind would even use tor in a chromium browser), URL injections, brave not giving out BAT, also them spam mailing Brave pamphlets to customers (physical mail too, it was through i think UPS, which idk if that’s technically considered a privacy violation, but to me, mailing someone a pamphlet out of the blue when you use their browser without your consent is quite literally a privacy violation, no matter where you got the data from or how you mailed it).

    been gladly using firefox ever since version 3, best browser of all time.

  • discovered a workaround that i could get to the C drive, then discovered a program that could change the wallpaper and info text on the computer (the change was local to that specific computer). had a little bit of fun with that a couple of times. i also brought in a USB stick with Linux Mint installed on it and booted to that whenever i had free time (i mostly browsed the safe side of the darkweb [back when it was still interesting] and made keygen music in OpenMPT). fun times those were. also booting to mint led me to fully switch to linux so ye :)