Looking forward to Twitter losing the remaining 28% of value.
Looking forward to Twitter losing the remaining 28% of value.
This is a good development. More competition is always good.
Why is a critical service like disaster precention using an unreliable service like Twitter?
Somehow that time for “talking about America’s shit” never arrives. Those murderers who killed, murdered and raped the Middle East for 30 years are still roaming free.
You’re just a hypocrite.
What’s inconsistent about “murder is bad”?
Stop your paranoia about China for one second to realize that your government and society is built on mass murder.
America spent 30 years indiscriminantly murdering people in the Middle East.
But I guess you are such as rabid racist that all those murders mean nothing to you.
The American government is guilty of everything the accuse China of.
My roommate installed Ubuntu on my laptop when I was in college. That was the start. Now it looks like this: https://xkcd.com/456/
When are they taking down disinformation networks tied to the US government?
Zoom CEO says that the only product his company sells is crap.
Die Grünen verlieren, weil sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit nicht auf die enormen wirtschaftlichen Zerstörungen der letzten 2 Jahre richten.
Wow, this is lovely!
Congratulations to India, this is their moment.
Ich habe eine Menge Popcorn vorbereitet. Amerika, ich befehle dir, mich zu unterhalten!
Die CDU is unwissend.
American producers are shipping NSA spyware as well. If this is a concern (which it should be), best thing is to install Linux on it yourself.
Lenovo makes great computers. They have amazing price-to-performance ratios.
In Ihrer Behauptung fehlen Daten.
America is being a little bitch as usual. China’s rise is too much for the white racists to handle.