Software dev, D&D DM, Dog Dad, Linux User, FOSS supporter, pc builder, cyclist, volleyball player, wannabe handyman, socialist, feminist, and ally.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Now that apple has their own silicon, all the older intel based MacBooks are pretty cheap. I just replaced my wife’s 2013 MacBook Airs battery, upgraded the drive, and installed Linux. It’s been a solid little laptop. Not the fastest but there’s probably a few pro models within your price range. Just make sure to get at least a 16gb model since the ram is soldered. Might have issues with the webcam, but the wifi drivers are pretty good.

  • While I agree with you that some software isn’t capable of running on Linux (even through wine), there is another aspect that’s important to remember. Want and choice. The software that doesnt run on Linux is developed only for Windows because of market share. If more people used Linux, and more importantly, demanded Linux support, more software would support it. I WANT to use Linux instead of windows, so in order for that to become a reality, I push companies to support it and I talk to people and encourage trying Linux out. Can everyone make the switch? No, but some can; and the more that do the more Linux will be supported.

    Your voice and opinion and choice matters. Don’t let a big corporation steal that from you. Even if you want to use Windows, you should still have the choice.

  • Signal provides a backup option. The auto backup for SMS on android is provided by google and likely uses google drive. I don’t know for certain but I would guess the encryption options and security of that route would be impossible to guarantee and the public backlash of signal users knowing their data was being sent to Google’s servers would be massive.

    I’ve setup my signal backups to a local folder on my phone. I then have SyncThing running on my phone and home computer so it automatically gets sent once it’s created.

  • slowbyrne@beehaw.orgtoTechnology@beehaw.orgStop using Brave Browser
    10 months ago

    Brave’s objective is to create a system that looks altruistic but they control it and take a ever increasing cut. Google started off the same way. I like the idea, but it’s one that needs to be controlled by a not for profit or by the people. Giving that control to a for profit company is just repeating history.

    Firefox isn’t perfect, but my argument for choosing them or a fork of FF is to combat the market share of chromium based browsers. With google pushing for Web Environment Integrity (aka web DRM) using a different browser is one of the few good ways to protest.

    I would also like to point out that popular open source projects often get contributions (both code and financial) from large corporations. Sometimes it’s their main source of revenue. This isn’t just a Mozilla problem. I wouldn’t even say it is a problem. A problem would be if those contributions affect the project in a negative way.

    Just like in most things these days our choices are limited to the shitty and the less shitty. Obviously where Brave and Firefox lands on that shitty spectrum will depend on your priorities, but for me at least Firefox is less shitty and far from perfect, but decent.

    Edit: grammer

  • Well as long as you take a snapshot of your data and move that snapshot to another drive, you’re free to tinker without real worry. Arch Linux wiki should have lots of examples of what you’re trying to fix or modify. There’s always a fresh install as well, which isn’t ideal most of the time but as long as the data is safe, then its an option. Best of luck, hope you’re able to resolve the issue.

  • Only thing I can think of is the subvolumes left over might be causing an issue. I don’t know how snapper performs a rollback and I’ve seen a couple ways to do it. Sometimes its modifying the default subvolume to the snapshot you want to rollback to. This is fine IF your kernel params are NOT specifying the subvol. That would look like this rootflags=subvol=subvolume_name.

    Usually I just rename the subvols and make sure the snapshot I’m renaming to replace the current root subvol is not set to read only.

    So rename current root to root.broken Then rename snapshot to root Then set readonly prop to false.

  • I’m on the fence about this since how would proton verify that “best practices” were followed? They are a privacy focused product and a feature like that could be used to decrease their services privacy. This author would likely implement best practices and many other likely would too, but say a competitor wanted to prove that their product was more secure, a feature like that could enable a competitor to showcase a security “flaw”. And since headlines are all people read these days it would be damaging.

    The feature the author described would be great but ProtonMail would need to make it fool-proof and temper-proof which requires a lot of Dev time and effort. I’m still waiting on proton bridge to work with calendar and contacts. Or contacts birthdays to show up in my calendar.

    Like I said, its a good feature, but its likely a large ask for a niche group of customers.