Michigan man who enjoys video games and anime.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • You don’t care about anything beyond pushing your own narrative.

    You keep jumping around to different claims, with no sources backing them up for what you said.

    You claim to be protecting freedom of speech, but you aren’t. You are only protecting bad faith actors, bots, and liars.

    The line has to be drawn somewhere, and when it come to the health and safety of the public somethings have to take priority. Necessary things from what I have seen.

    And this case is being appealed.

    Biden admin’s likely appeal
    Assuming the Biden administration appeals Doughty’s ruling on the preliminary injunction, the government would likely make arguments similar to what it wrote in a May 2023 filing. There is a high legal bar for ruling that “significant encouragement” would “convert private conduct into state action,” the administration argued.

    “Since 2017, Executive Branch agencies and officials have promoted authoritative information or expressed concerns with the spread of misinformation,” but “consistently recognized social media companies’ authority over their platforms,” Department of Justice lawyers wrote.

  • This is bullshit. They were calling certain things misinformation before they themselves knew. What gives them authority to do this and who actually decides what is true? At the time many scientists, including the CDC director (who was forced to resign), were saying we should investigate the lab leak theory, and they were all silenced as a result. Scientists were saying that they wouldn’t have suggested quarantine (including the UKs top health advisor) as the understaffed medical/health facilities would cause more death than quarantines would save, they were saying that masks had little to no impact on CORONA viruses in the past and peer-reviewed articles suggesting this were literally removed from websites; the list goes on. Meanwhile the MSM was literally spreading misinformation like the Ivermectin story or the vaccine stopping spread story. You really have to trust someone quite a bit to just go along with this while all your freedoms are diminishing.

    I said that our government (US if that wasn’t clear) wasn’t suggesting solutions to the pandemic solely based on science in many cases.

    No you didn’t. Liar

    And you haven’t proven or shown that “They were calling certain things misinformation before they themselves knew.”

    Whoever “they” are.

  • Many people assume the rule traces to “some old studies” on the flu, which found droplets won’t travel further than six feet, Gottlieb said—though research has since shown that Covid-19 can be spread through aerosols, which have the potential to travel many times further than droplets.

    You didn’t claim otherwise to social distancing. And this has to do with further research giving us better understanding.

    Especially with people knew with confidence at the time. With everything being hectic.

    You are still wasting my and everyone’s TIME.

  • There was a time I would believe you whole heartedly.

    I despise book bans.

    I see people try to censor other people’s very existence.

    I hate China’s authoritarian laws.

    I wish to strive to allow as much free speech and liberty reasonably possible.

    Then COVID happened. Misinformation, narrative pushing, and just plain lying. My grandma died from the virus in a hospital not consistently wearing masks or even checking for it in the first place. A hospital wear fox news plays abound and nurses proudly talk about their “knowing” of what actually is happening.

    I have to ask myself, is this worth it?

    I don’t think so. A line must be drawn somewhere.