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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2022


  • I’m a long time user of Debian myself too. No cutting edge fuzz, just a working, stable OS all of the time. What else do you need for a server? It always did the job.

    But then I stumbled on FreeBSD, and man, that’s a server OS. Simple design and blazing fast. No Docker but I never liked it anyway. My Docker is called Jails and in my opinion is they’re superior. Service isolation on the next level.

    On my laptop? Debian due to hardware and software support. And I’ll stick to that for now. I feel home on that distro.

    I can’t say anything about OpenBSD as I never tried it but it sure is a perfect fit for a server as well depending on your needs and preferences. BSD just rocks!

  • I was debating between getting myself a NAS or some PC to setup my homelab. I decided for a PC as it gives me more freedom to install and personalize it the way I want.

    At the moment I’m running FreeBSD with jails on a Q920 with an i5 processor, 16 GB of RAM, one internal SSD with 512 GB and 2 external USB SDDs with each 1 TB which costed me around 300 Euros.

    Seems more than enough for the services I want to provide to myself which are the following.

    Navidrome > serves all my music locally and remotely.

    Zabbix > to monitor my servers

    DNSMasq > ad blocking and local dns

    gitea > repo for code and other docs

    Transmission > torrenting

    Radicale > webcal and webdav

    Photoprism > local photo gallery

    Vaultwarden > Password manager

    SearXNG > search

    HAproxy > to serve my public content easily to the web


    Emby > local media server

    And I run a Linux VM on bhyve to serve 2 tools that I was not able to make work easily on FreeBSD.

    Besides that, the node replicates some data from my VPS as a backup solution.

    And I can’t complain at all. That PC is doing its job just fine. No need for any rack that uses huge amount of electricity.

  • Ok. Es kann sein das ich mich nicht im guten Deutsch ausgedrückt habe. Ich bin zwar hier geboren aber dann mit 11 wegen der Eltern ausgewandert. Wenn man aber etwas tolerant ist und den Text ganz durchliest, sieht man ja das ich mich geimpft habe, bin also kein Antivaxer.

    Zu Deinem Punkt das der Verlauf der Krankheit milder ist wenn man geimpft ist. Leider kann ich das nicht bestätigen da der Verlauf bei mir immer der gleiche war. Hatte es nun zum vierten Mal und nur diese letzte Erkrankung war kürzer. Und es war nicht die die ich nach der Impfung bekommen habe.

    Wie auch immer. Die Skepsis ist nun da ob es wirklich einen Unterschied macht ob ich mich nun nochnal impfen lasse oder eher nicht. Muss ja verständlch sein aber viele schieben dich dann gleich auf die Konspirationsschiene.

  • Genau das Kommentar das ich erwartet habe. Na dann mal viel Spass beim impfen und Corona als Zugabe. Wird sich zwar nicht negativ auswirken aber helfen wird es auch nicht. Als Steuerzahler zahlst Du ja sowieso dafür, also besser impfen lassen, genauso wie für die 100 Millionen übrig gebliebenen Dosen die der Staat dann überteuert gekauft hat und danach wegschmeissen wird weil es wohl abgelaufen ist oder der Impfstoff für die nächste Covid-Variante nicht mehr genutzt werden kann. Dann kommt dann wieder das Gejammere das die Steuern wieder angehoben wurden/und jeder fragt sich warum.

  • I have been using Debian for the last 20 years or so. I also had a brief encounter with Gentoo which was a big help to dive into compiling, specially kernels adjusted to low performant and old hardware. I have been using Debian for my servers (web mostly) but discovered FreeBSD and jails for myself this year. It didn’t take long to convet my primary webserver to FreeBSD. Until now, no complains. I have an easy way to isolate websites and services in their own jail allowing users to access theirs without conpromising host security.

  • There was no special reason for switching 25 years ago. A friend of mine used Debian and I tried it out. Not being a gamer must have helped because if you like playing, chances to encounter a game that only runs on Windows are quite high.

    Now the reason why I never changed back. Once the system runs, which may take some rime depending on how customized you want it, it always runs the same way. I never had a slowing down due to updates. Another reason may be not having to think about viruses or malware. Never had it and most likely never will. Antivirus? They may exist for Linux but I have never used them.

    In a few words. It just works.