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  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • Also fake because zombie processes.

    I once spent several angry hours researching zombie processes in a quest to kill them by any means necessary. Ended up rebooting, which was a sort of baby-with-the bath-water solution.

    Zombie processes still infuriate me. While I’m not a Rust developer, nor do I particularly care about the language, I’m eagerly watching Redox OS, as it looks like the micro kernel OS with the best chance to make to it useful desktop status. A good micro kernel would address so so many of the worst aspects of Linux.

  • There are padded, even fuzzy, handcuffs. Zip ties are never going to be comfortable. The sign doesn’t say anything about consent, though. It merely specifies “must.”

    It’s not my bag, baby, so I know very little about that subculture… but FWIW “only if your sub is cool with it” should be a universally understood given, right? In the “goes without saying” way.

  • Oh, Yeah. I’m just calling it what Vial/QMK calls it. I don’t think the *Dox’s use vanilla QMK - they have their own proprietary firmware and configuration format (ZSA), although I think it is based on QMK. I did a bunch of research on this once because I got tired of having to use Oryx and wanted to use a desktop app like Vial, and eventually found out they’re incompatible.

    Tap-dance in QMK terms is different behavior of a key based on whether it’s tapped or held; there’s a hold timeout where it can go into repeat if no other key is typed while it’s held, and it can also be configured to have different behavior on double-tap and tap+hold. I haven’t yet set up any double-taps, but I used them a lot in my ErgoDox because of all of the extra in the middle.

    Thanks for the screen cap!

  • I tend to use tap-dance for modifiers, like my thumb Esc is also Alt, because one I tap (and never hold) and the other I always hold (and has no use taped). Having (e.g.) a key only dedicated to Alt is a wasted key; Alt isn’t a good key to have on a layer; and it would be not only annoying to have to tap a layer switch key to get to Alt, and even then there’d be a chording issue where you still need to have access to all your keys and Alt so you can type chords like Ctrl-Alt-X.

    How do you manage the four(-ish) modifier keys without tap-dance, or having dedicated, single-purpose keys for them? On a 36, that’s 11% of the keyboard dedicated to modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, Meta, Alt) at best, or 19% if you make use of the fact that there are left/right distinctions for three of those keys (is there a Right Meta?).

    Honestly, I’d be happy with a different solution. Modifier keys are hard enough; I still have trouble with accuracy with only three thumb keys. I had an ErgoDox for years and never really used all twelve of the thumb keys; it was just too hard to reliable hit that inner column.

    For that matter, how do you do layer switches without tap dance, or dedicated keys? Are you using momentary layers, or layer switch? Are they dedicated layer keys, and if so, where are your modifiers keys and things like space/return? Can you post your config so I can load it in Vial and look at it?

  • Thanks for the link. I am using tap-hold quite a bit.

    I made a mistake going straight for a 36 board. I was a pretty fast touch typer, but I can’t seem to get the settings tweaked such that I’m not either having annoying delays waiting for layer shifts, or getting accidental layer shifts. And because (I know it’s not the most minimal) so many keys have to be in layers, it’s really put a cramp both in my speed, and my confidence (that I typed what I think I typed, especially when I’m transposing).

    I have less trouble with kanata, even with very similar layer configurations. After I got this board configured, I changed my kanata layout to match, and I get much more accuracy out of kanata. I’ve started thinking maybe I should just go to a minimal QMK layout - no layers, etc - and use kanata instead. Or, if there’s a way to extrapolate a QMK config from how kanata’s behavior is programmed.

  • Sourcehut is for-profit. You pay them to host your data, to provide public access, to run mailng lists, to run CI build servers… you’re paying for the services. But the source code is OSS; you can download and run your own services, all or just a few. The “paying them to host the software for you” isn’t the issue, right? It’s not that someone is charging for hosting and maintenance (and, ultimately, salaries for the people working on the software), but whether or not the software is free, and whether you can self-host.

    I like your point about finding repos. I think it’d behoove all of the bit players to band together to provide one big searchable repo list. Heck, even I, who hates github with a smoldering passion, have enough sense to go there first to search for software; that’s just the nature of a hegemony. The stumbling of the attempt to create a common VCS hosting API (ForgeFed) is lamentable, but getting adoption would have been a uphill battle even without the rumored in-fighting and drama.

  • I open source all of my projects. Most people I encounter are reasonably polite, but of course even my most popular is used by a tiny fraction of the number of Gnome users. In any case, I long ago stopped caring about being beholden to users. Often they’re doing me favors and finding issues I haven’t, and some even provide useful analysis that saves me work. A few provide contributions. But at the end of the day, I do what I do for me, and anyone else who benefits from it provides a small dose of dopamine from being useful.

    I regularly fork projects and implement changes I want; I also file PRs, but in the case the upstream author has different opinions about it, requiring work I don’t think it’s necessary, I just let it go and maintain my own fork.

    This is not Ideal Open Software Development, with many people contributing to a common goal. It’s fractured and selfish. But the other way, it becomes work, and nobody’s paying me for this, and so I give no fucks.

    My mental health improved drastically once I stopped emotionally caring about the opinions of my users. I still care about the technicalities, but only insofar as they affect me or I deem them to be a superior solution. Key to this is not engaging emotionally; if I’m not interested in working on it, I just say so: I have other priorities, but an happy to review and maybe accept PRs.

  • The part about negotiation is a bit off-track.

    On one end, in the kernel, there’s a big array of pixels that is a picture that gets drawn on your monitor (or monitors). On the other end are a bunch of programs that want to draw stuff, like pictures of your friends and web pages. In between is software that decides how the stuff the softwares want to draw get put into the pixel array. This is Wayland; it was written to replace Xorg, which is what did that job for decades prior to Wayland.

    If you understand the concepts of Xorg and window managers, Wayland + a compositor = Xorg + a window manager. Wayland abdicated a lot of work to the compositors, making it simpler and easier to maintain (and compositors more complex and harder). But together, they all do basically the same job. If one of the compositors implemented a network protocol, then you could declare equivalency.