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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • People are naturally going to pay less attention the more cars drive for them. You can’t partially automate steering. Driver assisted steering is as close as it can be before the liability needs to fall on Tesla and other software manufacturers. A car isn’t a plane. The driver needs to be in control when split second decisions happen, like a child running after a ball.

    If I’m paying for an autopilot, I’m not the pilot. I.e., the driver. The car is. And Tesla’s marketing bullshit and lawyers are going to fail here. This does not fall under puffery. It’s false advertising that’s causing consumers to place undue trust in a product. And the insurance industry is quite concerned just where the liability falls in all of this as well. And as they’re the ones currently having to pay out claims when Tesla wins, they have a vested interest seeing that Tesla doesn’t.

  • It’s free. I believe, Best Buy packages it all up and ships it to China. I believe Chinese companies pay for the waste, and then pay very poor people to pick through it for valuable (and toxic) metals. A lot of the metals etc. end up in the groundwater. In other words, it’s still mostly pollution, but dropping it off at Best Buy makes it someone else’s pollution…

    Not sure how to feel about all of it to be honest. I still recycle at Best Buy, but it’s kinda like recycling plastic in the municipal recycling, I know most of it ends up in the garbage, and thus as pollution, ultimately. But I still put it where it’s ‘supposed’ to go.

  • I clicked on the article before I replied a week ago, and before I replied just now.

    The article title does not include the word bad, management, or processes and the word companies is inclusive of those things so it doesn’t matter that it doesn’t.

    I’m all for blaming management over rank and file employees. But generally, when I see the word companies I think managers (it’s inclusive of management and processes, as I stated earlier). And it’s not inclusive of employees, who are not the company but work for the company.

    In other words, I think we agree outside of you being pedantic :P