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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I have been sort of following Wayland’s development for over 10 years now. I have been using Wayland for over 2 years now. I have been reading and watching various lengthy arguments online for and against it. I still don’t feel like I actually know it even is, not beyond some handwavey superficialities. Definitely not to the extent and depth I could understand what X11 was and how to actually work with it, troubleshoot it when necessary and achieve something slightly unusual with it. I feel like, these days, you are either getting superficial marketing materials, ELI5 approaches that seem to be suited at best to pacify a nosy child without giving them anything to actually work with, or reference manuals full of unexplained jargon for people who already know how it works and just need to look up some details now and then…

    Maybe I’m getting old. I used to like Linux because I could actually understand what was going on…

    1. WebEx hat Sicherheitslücken, die im Öffentlichen agierende Security Researcher nicht gefunden haben, weil das closed source ist und man da legal nicht so einfach rankommt, während im dunklen agierende Zeitgenossen, die sich um legal versus illegal nicht kümmern, schon seit 10 Jahren auswendig wissen, wo genau man einen Stapelüberlauf provozieren kann,und welche Rücksprungadresse man da reinschmuggeln muss, damit das Ding macht, was man will…
    2. WebEx hat absichtliche Sicherheitslücken, die Cisco vom Amerikanischen Staat aufobtruiert wurden, und die dann entweder durch Spionagegeschichten oder Eigenrecherche auch den Russen bekannt wurden.

    Gut, in diesem konkreten Fall ist die Erklärung natürlich noch viel einfacher: Ein Konferenzteilnehmer hat über eine altmodische, unverschlüsselte Telefonleitung aus Singapur teilgenommen, und die abzuhören, war noch nie ein Problem.

  • Several years ago now. On at least two of those tries, after maybe a month or some of daily driving, suddenly the fs goes totally unresponsive and because it’s the entire system, could only reboot. FS is corrupted and won’t recover. There is no fsck. There is no recovery. Total data loss.

    Could you narrow it down to just how long ago? BTRFS took a very long time to stabilise, so that could possibly make a difference here. Also, do you remember if you were using any special features, especially RAID, and if RAID, which level?

  • Out of interest, since I’ve not used the “recommended partion setup” for any install for a while now, is ext4 still the default on most distros?

    I recently installed Nobara Linux on an additional drive, because after 20 years, I wanted to give Linux gaming another shot (works a lot better than I had hopes for, btw), and it defaulted to btrfs. I’ll assume so does Fedora, because I cannot imagine Nobara changed that part over the Fedora base for gaming purposes.