• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I think it also has to do with how previous generations established what they considered trustworthy or not.

    Most of the time, the only way to confirm information would be to go to the library and look it up. Most people weren’t taking the time to do that for every little factoid, especially ones that had no direct effect on their lives.

    So if Jim who has a cousin who works in construction said that Mexicans were undercutting the expected pay for construction laborers, picking up all the jobs they could, and out performing their peers… well that’s first hand information from someone who would know (by way of the game of telephone).

    And that doesn’t effect them directly in any way, so it’s not being blasted to the whole world. You may never know they have this belief.

    Now they see Jim on Facebook sharing some article. Well, Jim wouldn’t share it unless he was sure it was true. I mean, his cousin works in construction. Combine that with sensational headlines to maximize clicks and now you go from racist belief that immigrants are industrious to “illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs”!

    Plus, spreading the word can be done in a single click, regardless of relevance to any conversation.

    So you combine the idea of “that person knows what they’re talking about” with sensationalism mills and how damn easy it is to blast your stupid ideas out to the world with the idea that you’e just letting people know, and I think you very easily end up here.

  • It makes us all look stupid and hateful.

    I’d argue that it does a lot more than make people just look hateful. Plenty of assholes out there using progressive causes as justification and shielding for their poor behavior.

    The dev could have avoided this easily by merging the original PR and moving on with their life, but there is negative reason for the dogpiling that occurred. It’s open fucking source. Fork it and make your own inclusive competitor.

    The behavior of the community around this is reprehensible, and is the perfect ammunition for opportunists looking to draw people into right wing radicalism. “Look at what they did to someone for using he instead of they! Imagine what will happen if we let these people have any real power?”

  • Primarily being developed by someone who was most likely a sexist, three years ago, and who is now being dogpiled by people who probably weren’t ever going to use his software anyway.

    If anyone really cared about this, they should just fork the code and start their own inclusive version. Literally steal the asshat’s project out from under him. Instead, everyone is coming out of the woodwork to try and score asinine dunks on the dev’s shitty opinion.

  • Similar to your #2, but less serious, I once wrote a script to power down virtual machines for a data center move. It was a nice piece of work too, grouping them in batches, sending shutdown commands to the guest OS, falling back to forcing a power off through the hypervisor after a configurable timeout…

    I don’t recall the specifics of the problem or the virtual infrastructure I was working with, but in short I didn’t have sanity checks on what was being shut down. Ended up force shutting off the hypervisor/virtual infrastructure management system.

    Added an extra few hours the move with that.

  • Blockchain also has some useful applications. Most (but not all) of them are also possible with technology and such that existed when bitcoin was first created, at far lower cost for a minor tradeoff in accuracy. On top of that, almost none of them are related to speculative markets.

    It’s a way to do distributed transaction logs in a non-refutable and independantly verifiable way. That’s useful and important, but it was a solution in search of a problem. Even for the highest security, most at risk transactions, the existing international fincancial systems are “good enough” to ensure reliability of transaction logs.

    In the end, blockchain and now AI are just falling victim to con men trying to milk as much money as they can from things before people build a working understanding of them. They’ll just keep moving onto the next big thing as it comes.

  • My guy, your posts are particularly hard to follow, and you are very very quick to jump to the conclusion that you’re somehow being targeted and under attack. It’s no surprise that people aren’t responding to what you think is appropriate for them to respond to.

    You’ve gone out of your way to provide extra info about irrelevant details: Why does the particular flavor of git you use matter at all to this conversation beyond the fact that you self host, why does it matter that you are on github as well when we are specifically discussing things you believe were sourced from readme.mds you have self hosted?

    Meanwhile you don’t give many details or explanation about the core thing you are trying to discuss, seemingly expecting people to be able to just follow your ramblings.

    Edit: After having re-read your OP, it’s less messy than I initially thought, but jesus christ man you need to work on arranging your points better. It shouldn’t take reading your main post, a few of your comments, and the main post again to get your point: “AI data scrapers appear to treat readme files as public data regardless of any anti-AI precautions or licensing you’ve tried to apply, and they appear to not only grab from github bit also from self-hosted git repositories.”

  • These concepts are not mutually exclusive. You can be right about AI considerably overstepping boundaries and still be exhibiting classic signs of paranoia issues, which OP is.

    Their immediate response to people not reacting to this post and their comments is to immediately jump to the idea that they’re being targeted by their designated enemy. That’s not particularly healthy.

    I’m worried that AI is becoming the new gangstalking for tech aligned people predisposed to disprdered thinking.

  • Just like the “tesla hyperloop” or whatever they’re calling it, it’s not about innovation. It’s about keeping his brands in the public eye as a form of marketing. Even if on a logical level we all know it’s horseshit, it still keeps himself and Tesla salient.

    He can afford to burn an incomprehensible amount of money on stunts for outcomes most people would consider inconsequential.

    I’m not saying it’s 4D chess, it definitely isn’t. He’s not particularly intelligent in that way. That said, I do think there are some very simple reasons for him to do this that go beyond his absolutely insane delusional ego.

    He has enough money that he can continue funding whatever he wants regardless of public opinion. He literally exists at a level where any press is good press as it keeps him fresh in peoples’ minds.

  • wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.comtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldMany such cases
    23 days ago

    If it was valid, do you really think people would be talking about it being a problem here? Please use your head a little.

    Also, two entitely different meanings of the word signing being used here. Signing as in signing a bill vs. Cryptographic signing. Adobe has some weird “halfway” thing that’s more than painting the sig on the image, but isn’t gpg.

    Hooray for proprietary shit becoming accepted for legal use! Yuck.