Absolutely general purpose. In the most simple terms, email, password hash, and a bit of metadata
Absolutely general purpose. In the most simple terms, email, password hash, and a bit of metadata
I would be very worried if this was ‘final, and now we will do it as written’ but it seems to be just another iteration.the critique is great and I just hope they listen.
I am not shocked, but i’d save disappointed for when they try to do it and noone uses it because of these reasons.
In general the article seems to be a summary of current legislative actions that are ongoing between big tech and EU. Though in the article it’s worded with the much more fitting ‘game of chicken between EU and Big Tech’ rather than something like the title, but I guess “drop dead has a better ring to it”…
I general the article has a lightly optimistic tone, which I very deeply hope holds true.
… Auf ein Mindestmaß von Intelligenz bei irgendeinem Menschen zu pledieren ist sehr riskant…
Weißt du ob das auch wirklich die Partei selbst gemacht hat? Das schaut so aus als wäre das Plakat hoch oben also wahrscheinlich schon? Wenns die grünen selbst waren hab ich momentan auch nix im Sinne was das begründet…
I think you accidently made a meme that is just too close to the truth to be seen as sarcastic
Anyone who thinks this is just incapable of navigating them.
I really think it’s disgusting to boldly claim this is just to protect children. Then get the proposal denied with very valid reasoning that everyone’s privacy would be compromised.
And then, a few months later, they have the exact same argument again with the same proposal as before… This seems deeply disrespectful of the subject matter
It feels like a someone is trying to steal a cookie from a cookie jar, but when mum said no you just try again the exact same way…
Super wie er das herzeigt.
Wnen man sowas hört wird man echt has
Das ist find ich echt witzig. Natürlich wäre es intelligenter gewesen die Betreiber zuerst zu fragen bevor man in einem dichten Gebiet sowas versteckt.
Aber lustig ist es dennoch. Massenpanik hätte aber schnell lustig zu tragisch werden lassen können…
Das kommt hier irgendwie nicht klar raus (ausser ich verlesen mich gerade), gibt’s nicht grunsätzlich mehr männliche autofahrer als weibliche? Ist dadurch nicht klarerweise die gesamte Statistik biased wenn man % ausrechnet vom Anteil Mann vs Frau, dabei ausser Acht lässt dass es pauschal mehr Männer am Steuer sind?
Kann mich nicht vorstellen dass genau 50/50 frauen/Männer lenken…
Edit: Hillock@feddit.de erklärt das besser
What game is that? Is that from the level generator or from other players?
After spending a day with it, this is exactly what I want! Thanks for the recommendation
thanks! I’ve tried this but in the end its just a different way of displaying but i want groups to be contained differently as well
Thanks for the tip! I actually consider what you call an advantage a disadvantage and visa versa. I always have 2 opera windows open side to side (on i3) and like that they are not the same
I am very reluctant to use WordPress at all because I’ve heard terrible things from multiple colleagues. It looks like something that’d get problematic at some point.